But, whereas many of the leaders have moved to white suburbs, her villa is in Soweto, just over a rocky hill from the little house in Orlando West.
If the house is no longer your primary residence, you had better have lots of documentation no matter how little the house goes for.
We go downstairs and we have a little sun room on the back of the house, just a little room and we'd look up and the roof is partially caved in.
I'm very lucky to be a part of this household. it does give me a lot of satisfaction to be able to work with the new little babies in the house. one of them, Harrison, remind me so much of Mark when he was eight months old.
My grandfather eventually learned that Mother Vera, sensing he had been gone a long time, had stepped out and, from the stairs of their little house, had seen the tiger taking off across the field.
From humble beginnings at the Old Railway House in the little known village of Carno, Laura Ashley grew to have 5, 000 retail outlets worldwide.
But, as with great children's books that adults delight in reading, albums like Dizzy show that it's possible to make music that engages everyone who has a little kid in the house, or a little kid inside himself.
Gorton, a former Republican senator from Washington, said the most interesting bit of information from the committee's meeting with Bill Clinton were the former president's statements that the White House has little ability to give direction to the FBI.
She slept most of the time and could do little out of the house.
Like the original Shaw house, little is known about the artist, Isaac M.
The plan is to transfer the Giotto Tower, Verona Tower, Little Chimney and the Engine House in Holbeck Urban Village into a trust.
Kennedy Jr. as John-John, the sobriquet the press bestowed on him when he was a little boy in the White House.
But a House Democratic leadership aide said a compromise had little chance in the House, whose members expect to leave town for the year on Thursday afternoon.
When we got back into the car, my older son couldn't stop smiling, and the little one kept turning to see the house as we drove away.
WSJ: Embracing the Robo Elves of the Bill Clot Christmas Display | Traveler's Tale
How Sweet the Sound was recorded in a San Francisco church and Jennings decided to recruit a little help from the house.
But the lower house did little to clarify exactly how this might be done.
He argued that the White House had little choice but to support the omnibus spending bill, which it inherited from the previous administration.
The White House had little choice but to not threaten veto.
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That the White House sees little need for a heavyweight in the trade job suggests it is sceptical about the Doha round, reluctant to push controversial bilateral deals and in no mood to try to convince Congress to extend the Trade Promotion Authority, which expires in June 2007.
Based on how the press conference had gone, there was little reason to think the White House would have to pay Traylor's request any heed.
The gingerbread figures surrounding the house turn back into the little children they once were and Hansel and Gretel's parents arrive just in time to celebrate the children's freedom, and the Witch's demise.
At the same time, the house opposite his relatives in Little Havana shows a huge picture of the child in the sea, grasping an inner tube, surrounded by porpoises protecting him from the terrors of the deep, with the Virgin Mary behind him and the hand of God stretching down in protection.
He recently told The New York Times it did cause "a little apoplexy" around the White House.
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He made the case a little bit Friday in front of the House and Senate lawmakers.
But when Microsoft steps through the door, there is always the little matter of who ends up owning the house.
So in 2010, Stephen Chu, Secretary of Energy, said that the DoE would organize it, but since then, very little has happened and the White House rooftop is still sans solar panels.
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Rubio has attempted to run an under-the-radar White House campaign that places little emphasis on winning the daily news cycle, and he has expressed exasperation with the media's fascination with Trump's every move.
CNN: Donald Trump hits Marco Rubio on immigration - CNNPolitics.com
I'm so glad John told you the story of the little kids of whom he was one holding the house down.
CNN: Transcript: Clinton On Anniversary Of March On Washington
But the administration had little choice but to raise the stakes, White House officials said, given that the other competitors all were sending their heads of state to Copenhagen.
"At the moment predicting monthly house price figures is a little like predicting the weather and it would be foolhardy to talk about a recovery based on one set of data, " said Ashley Brown, director of mortgage broker Moneysprite.