Spinetti was born in the living quarters above the chip shop his family owned in Cwm, Ebbw Vale.
The second floor, which would have been the living quarters, is now a loft, and one whole wall is given over to a bookshelf.
The foreign nationals were being held in one wing of the living quarters, which the security services and army had surrounded, Mr Kablia said.
Mr Garbutt was working in the downstairs shop from 0430 GMT on Tuesday when the robber entered from the living quarters at about 0830 GMT and stole cash from the safe before fleeing.
On Monday Boris Bodin, head of the Russian Space Agency's long-term planning department, acknowledged that Moscow may keep Mir flying longer than earlier announced, until several months after the arrival of the living quarters module in July 1999.
We ascend the narrow wooden stairs (he has plans to widen the staircase, rip out the charmless elevator and flood the place with light) and arrive at the living quarters, decorated almost exclusively with the furniture that Owens has been designing since 2006.
WSJ: Designer Rick Owens's Paris Home | WSJ. Magazine May 2013
The United States has pressed Russia to retire Mir as soon as possible because delays in building the living quarters of the new station have already put the arrival of the first crew back to January 2000, a year and a half later than planned.
The royals' former living quarters are at the back of the palace grounds.
The investigation is still playing out in Rome, but if the allegations prove true and it turns out that Gabriele, one of the few people who had access to the pope's living quarters, including the pope's desk, lifted the information, then the pope will know with certainty that even with his rarified position, he can't count on personal privacy behind the guarded walls of the Vatican.
Even for compounds, smaller missiles are used to try to limit the damage to the separate male living quarters.
At this point, however, he was living in the quarters in Harrogate, North Yorkshire, and she was living and working in London.
The Clintons played host to at least 19 gatherings that year, spanning private parties in the White House living quarters to formal black-tie dinners with a sit-down meal and dancing.
BBC: Christmas at the White House: What do you say to Obama?
He and others pointed fingers, in particular, at Hillary Rodham Clinton, whom they saw at the center of the scandal and most likely the person responsible for the reappearance of long-sought billing records, which were found in the White House living quarters.
The National Mall could easily monopolise an entire vacation but to find additional fulfilment for you and the kids venture beyond the tourist zone to Capitol Hill, a charming Federal-style neighbourhood that has dutifully served as the capital's living quarters for centuries.
Cardinals have been assigned rooms randomly in order to discourage the forging of blocs in living quarters.
There's also the reality of living in close quarters with 220 die-hard New Yorkers who've seen it all.
Ms Zetina's team also found traces of living quarters in the western part of the archaeological site, which could have housed large families.
In fact, her living quarters on the mile-long Ringling Brothers train that transports the show around the country is sufficiently diminutive that when she finishes books she ships them home.
Christian migration is largely driven by migration from Latin America to the U.S. Of the 43 million foreign-born people living in the U.S., nearly three quarters are Christian.
WSJ: U.S. Top Destination for Christian, Buddhist Immigrants, Study Says
Now, an area of that shelter is set aside for showers but the miners have moved their living and sleeping quarters deeper down.
Besides containing living quarters, it will carry the booster rocket needed to push the station back into place if it starts to fall out of orbit.
The iss office at most schools helps find living quarters, process paperwork such as visas, obtain financial aid and, as in Oh's case, to get students in classes to enhance their knowledge of English.
Though the dishes are normally served with beans in Chile, they would not be included, so that the men -- who are living in close quarters -- can avoid getting intestinal gas, said Jorge Diaz, a medic involved in the miners' care.
The court was told Mr Jolleys submitted paperwork in August 2005 and March 2006 which stated he was "married accompanied" - meaning his wife was living with him in married quarters provided by the Army.
The growers lure them back by paying decent wages and providing clean living quarters.
It showed staff living quarters in cramped holiday accommodation a long way from the Amazon warehouse, which could only be reached by an unreliable bus service.
At least not far beyond the honeymoon phase, after which the happy couple invariably decides to leverage its new status into better living quarters, nicer cars and more "mature" spending priorities like insurance and church donations.
And then there's the stress of living with friends or relatives, or being cramped into tiny living quarters for eight months, like Christy, who lives in a Fleetwood travel trailer with her husband and three girls in Orange Beach, Alabama.
Adding a bedroom, dining room or living room is always a good bet, particularly if the existing house has tight quarters.
But Toll's City Living brand has grown in some recent quarters to represent as much as 20% of the company's revenue.