"The disadvantage is you take away the local knowledge and the eyes of the keepers, " he said.
Maddy Davey, another Portland watch manager, said holidaymakers may not have the local knowledge of the cliffs, but even the most well-trained dogs can suddenly dart off to chase birds and scents.
That belief, he says, is a combination of the big macro themes, with the informed local knowledge behind such bets as Ireland, or Hungary when they are hated by the market.
The idea is to improve local knowledge as the Coastguard moves to a national operations centre in Fareham, Hampshire.
Conocimientos del pueblo Mayangna sobre la convivencia del hombre y la naturaleza: peces y tortugas, demonstrates the depth and breadth of local knowledge of the natural milieu, including behaviour, habitat, reproduction and migration patterns, and the introduction of new and invasive species.
The volume also serves to demonstrate to the scientific community the depth and breadth of local knowledge of the natural milieu and, as a result, the key role that the Mayangna must play in the sustainable use and management of the extensive territories from which they derive their livelihood, which include the Bosawas Biosphere Reserve.
Her latest book is filled with wisdom about the dangers of overreach and the importance of local knowledge.
At a meeting last night Charles Tew, a parish councillor for Brinklow and also a former retained firefighter, said having a crew in the area with local knowledge was invaluable.
Whereas Hayek drew on the price system as a solution to the problem of local knowledge, and old Diane drew on choice and accountability, new Diane sees local collectivism and democracy as the solution.
In order to do so thoroughly and adequately, they suggest enlisting the help of an independent attorney who has knowledge of the local laws and conventions.
He tends to veer off the path, introducing subjects with a charming quirkiness and dropping breadcrumbs of local knowledge along the way.
One judge will be in charge, in the hope that he or she will acquire in-depth knowledge of the local community and the people in it.
Both organizations believe that the key to successful prevention is a careful analysis of worldwide events and an application of this knowledge to the local operating environment.
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However, he said that the biggest obstacle towards creating a more detailed map was to get enough local knowledge to name all the features.
Paradoxically, knowledge of the local language, like Japanese or Mandarin, is not a prerequisite for effective communications for organizational development.
Their knowledge about the local flora and fauna is extensive and in-depth.
He said he believed local knowledge of the area would be lost, but hoped that changes to the coastguard network would be successful.
English certainly helps forge strong bonds across cultures, but knowledge of the local language makes a global workforce more nimble and productive, and therefore more competitive.
They can actually engage in the conversation, point out mistakes and factual errors, or simply suggest alternate explanations that are more deeply informed by knowledge of the local culture.
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Chinese PE players are not as rigorous in their investment analysis and tend to rely more on their gut instincts and local knowledge of the country when investing in China.
While the benefits of local and indigenous knowledge in reducing disaster risk are increasingly being acknowledged, a challenge remains: how do you integrate such knowledge constructively with scientific knowledge and policy?
The additional 2, 000 troops that are now here only started arriving a few weeks ago, giving them little time to acclimatise and acquire local knowledge of the threats they may face.
Local transport minister Norman Baker said: "It's vital that speed limits are suitable for local conditions and councils are best placed to determine what these limits are, based on local knowledge and the views of the community, " he said.
New forms of media can play a crucial role to capitalize the positive practices embedded in indigenous cultures by fostering synergies between modern services and local knowledge and assist communities in taking full advantages of their social assets - the knowledge, culture and governance systems.
Staff needed to be convinced that this accorded with the school's philosophy of open dissemination of knowledge and information, and the local education authority's historic reluctance to endorse free software had to be overcome.
It is hoped it will constitute a reference point for policy makers at the local level, as well a basis for the exchange of knowledge between researchers, city professionals and local authorities on developing inclusive cities.
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The publication includes nine papers explore the various aspects of local and traditional knowledge and its relation to nature conservation, land management and natural resource management, and industry.
This research must integrate across existing research programmes and disciplines, across all domains of research, across the North and South, include local knowledge systems, and be co-designed and implemented with input from governments, civil society, research funders and the private sector.
When not prescribing purges and pills to his sickly employer and his friends, Sloane crisscrossed the island on horseback or on foot, collecting plant and shrub specimens, guided by slaves from the sugar plantations with knowledge of local medically useful seeds and grasses.
The Natural Sciences Sector contributed expertise and priorities from its Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems (LINKS) programme, which focuses on the diverse ways that humans know and interact with the natural world.