In many cases, you might be surprised at the returns investors achieved over the lost decade.
Part of the fear that drives investors to products such as variable annuities, equity-indexed annuities, and the false promises of active management (including absolute return funds) is the misplaced fear of the recent lost decade in the performance of stocks.
We saw this happen in Japan in the 1990s, where they did not act boldly and swiftly enough, and as a consequence they suffered what was called the "lost decade" where essentially for the entire '90s they did not see any significant economic growth.
It cannot be accomplished by cutting government spending without also raising taxes back where they should have been over the last lost decade.
In the early 1990s, a stock and property market crash led to years of very low economic growth and high unemployment, and it became known as the "lost decade".
Hundreds of thousands of jobs in the city were lost in the last decade.
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And, alas, a stable giant that could be playing a supportive role, Japan, appears to be suffocating itself with more of the lame governance that lost it the decade of the 1990s.
So in late 1997, when the navy began dredging 9m cubic yards of sand from San Diego harbour, a ready-made solution seemed at hand: the dredgings would more than replace the beach sand lost over the past decade.
Over the long term, higher productivity growth and better-functioning labour markets are vital if economies in southern Europe are to regain the competitive ground they lost in the first decade of monetary union, when their unit labour costs soared relative to those in northern countries like Germany.
If we're going to have any possible chance of getting the 5.7 million people back that we lost in the last decade.
Those steps alone won't make up for the economic security -- insecurity that middle-class families have lost over the past decade.
But after Democrats and Republicans committed to fiscal discipline during the 1990s, we lost our way in the decade that followed.
WHITEHOUSE: The Country We Believe In: Improving America��s Fiscal Future | The White House
Before you scratch your head, consider: The San Francisco 49ers posted a 104-47 record--the league's best, including four championships--during the 1980s, yet the team that lost the most money during that decade was, ahem, the 49ers.
If the auction is called off, all three bidders will have lost the opportunity of a decade.
Most of the money was lost right at the outset of the decade and when things started to recover, equity investors were hit with the collapse of the housing bubble.
And the task of one-nation Labour is to halt the slide into a lost decade for Britain.
We can measure how much working wealth, measured as net adjusted gross income (or net AGI), was added or lost during the same decade.
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Though he won many awards for his journalism, including the What the Papers Say Campaigning Journalist of the Decade, Paul Foot never lost his drive or his measured anger, as shown by his incisive critique of the government's Public Finance Initiative, published just a few weeks ago.
There are many who think that strengthening the value of China's currency won't mean American jobs lost to China in the past decade return to US shores - the jobs will simply go to the next low-cost country like Vietnam or India.
The impact on American workers and businesses for the last decade has been lost production, lost profits and lost jobs.
In the last decade we have lost more than 11, 000 defence jobs.
Economist Dougie Adams said the country may be in the middle of "a lost decade", held back by much slower export growth than others.
According to the latest U.S. census, the city lost almost 19 percent of its population in the first decade of this century, and two-thirds of the population is 40 or older.
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Then all the hope and promise of combining two of the most dynamic players of the last decade (Nash and Bryant) is lost, and the Lakers look foolish for chasing short-term aspirations with an aging star that was past his prime.
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Urban planners at the University of the West of England estimate that the UK has lost 40% of its public toilets in the past decade, a process that has been exacerbated by local authority budget cuts.
In a regulatory straitjacket and dominated by a state-run banking system, Israel suffered a "lost decade" from the mid-1970s to the mid-1980s.
The value of memberships in Japan crashed in the 1990s and has slumped elsewhere in Asia over the past decade as golf slowly lost some of its exclusive cachet.
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The 2010 U.S. Census, which showed Detroit lost 24 percent of its population over the last decade, was a wake-up call to many city officials and residents.
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Even with better performance than value issues in the last three years, large-cap growth stocks still lost a stunning total 35% in the past decade or -4.21% annualized.