It looks a bit like the love child of Minecraft and The Legend of Zelda.
Somebody said that he seemed the love child of storks, others thought ostriches.
Upcoming PS Vita exclusive Soul Sacrifice looks a lot like the love child of Monster Hunter and Dark Souls.
Rhapsody, the digital love-child of Real Networks and MTV, is best known for its DRM'd subscription music service.
ENGADGET: Rhapsody ditches (some) DRM, selling MP3s with Verizon and Yahoo
Gerry McIlroy seems like the dream sports dad, one who imbued his child with the love of his favorite sport, and offered just the right mix of support and distance to help Rory on his way.
"Of course, you should reassure the child of your love, but you'll also want to find ways to expose your child to others like him or her so the child doesn't feel different or alone, " Nichols suggested.
Fox Interactive, after issuing "cease and desist" letters to the makers of the unofficial Aliens Quake mod and later releasing the official Aliens Online computer game, is gearing up for the release of the new franchise love-child: Aliens vs.
They might be the warmest people in the world, who would lavish on their adopted child the sort of palpable love advertised in greeting cards and on the collars of stuffed puppies.
It's family that first instills the love of learning in a child.
That's why parents talking about their children can be so tedious - other parents, I mean, not me or you - not because we doubt their love, or the child's charms, but because itemizing infinities is obviously the most boring thing imaginable.
There will be plenty of time for love and respect when the child grows into a mature and responsible adult.
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In this context, does anyone think adultery and a love child will stand in the way of a comeback?
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"For this to be Jeremy's love child and for us to get the opportunity to present the show is amazing, " says Rutledge Wood, one of the trio of US presenters.
Right before comes a more typical Oberst opus, "Danny Callahan, " a reflection on love and solitude that ends with the death of a child.
She said she had only learned that her husband had a "love child" with Ms Cox from members of the media in April 2005.
By 34 he owned the sports team that he had fallen madly in love with as a child.
The object of his venom, former love interest and mother of his child Oksana Grigorieva, sounds like she is in a pretty decent recording studio.
But Panorama failed to explain the Catholic belief that an even more innocent victim was at stake - the unborn child, who was equally entitled to fullness of life and love.
Operation Christmas Child demonstrates love in a tangible way to needy children around the world through delivering shoeboxes filled with toys, toothbrushes, crayons and candy.
As a young child in Chongking, China, he fell in love with the accordion and persuaded his parents to buy him one when he was only 4.
But I haven't lost my humor in it, and the character's humor will still display a child-like quality that fans love.
Today, all of us will watch the game through the eyes of a child - with hope in our hearts, with this sport we love coursing through our veins.
On July 22nd the Enquirer came back with a report that Mr Edwards had met his mistress and their love child in a Beverly Hills hotel and that, when cornered, Mr Edwards hid in a lavatory.
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The child's story is paralleled with that of another widow, who falls in love with and expects to marry a high-caste idealist but commits suicide when his father advises him not to rock the boat and to take her as a mistress instead.
You have to believe, and you have to love the product you want to produce in a way that is very much like a mother loves her child, and you have to believe you can do it better than just about anyone.
Who but the parents have the plasma called love that makes people sacrifice for their children, and remain more purist about what is best for their child.