• The stereotype of the mad scientist is never entirely absent from Mr Pais's portraits.

    ECONOMIST: Modern scientists: Physical presence | The

  • While those two substances complement each other, Jarmusch, ever the hip mad scientist, throws together odd combinations of actors and singers.

    NEWYORKER: Coffee and Cigarettes

  • Upon his arrival, he recalls his miserable childhood there: most of the film, told in flashback, shows young Guy (Sullivan Brown) suffering alongside his older sister, Sis (Maya Lawson), in the private orphanage that his tyrannical mother and mad-scientist father ran on the island.

    NEWYORKER: Brand Upon the Brain!

  • He thus put together a collection of apparatus that would not have disgraced the set of a mad-scientist horror film, and filled it with a mixture of methane, ammonia, hydrogen and water vapour that matched contemporary ideas of what the primitive terrestrial atmosphere had been composed of.

    ECONOMIST: Stanley Miller

  • In this era of self-conscious foraging and mad-scientist dining, simplicity can seem like the biggest luxury of all.

    FORBES: A Sassy New England Charmer: The Tides Beach Club In Kennebunkport, Maine

  • In Southwold, Suffolk, few can resist the Whack a Banker machine or the Booth of Truth at the Under The Pier Show, a hair-brained arcade of home-made contraptions, mad cap games and exhibits that is the brainchild of local scientist and inventor Tim Hunkin.

    BBC: Britain��s most bizarre attractions

  • Instead of scientists' re-creating the world of dinosaurs as in Jurassic Park, this tale's mad scientist and colleagues invent technology to transport people to other periods of time.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • The canine superhero, voiced by comic actor Wally Cox, also battled villains including mad scientist Simon Bar Sinister, and a gangster wolf Riff Raff.

    WSJ: 'Underdog' cartoon co-creator dies at 85

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