The Mail on Sunday's Matt Sandy says that three flats have been bought by named individuals.
BBC: UK newspaper review: Sunday papers look ahead to strike
Mr Alderson was a freelance journalist working to provide the story to the Mail on Sunday, the court heard.
On Wednesday, Southwark Crown Court heard she had subsequently taken her story to the Mail on Sunday and Sunday Times.
In an interview in the Mail on Sunday, David Cameron said he wanted to stop workers resenting people on benefits.
Lord Levy's comments came in an interview with the Mail on Sunday, timed to coincide with the serialisation of his memoirs.
Icstis spokesman Rob Dwight said the regulator would ask to view the evidence that led to the Mail on Sunday article.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Madeley 'livid' over quiz scandal
"If I had taken one more knock, I would have ended up paralysed, or even dead, " he told the Mail on Sunday.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister David Cameron has dismissed criticism of the fall in GCSE results in an article in the Mail on Sunday.
The Mail on Sunday said that it was Lord Browne who had "made his private life a public issue" by lying in court.
"The good news is that they are measuring the nodules in my lungs in millimetres rather than centimetres, " Robson told the Mail on Sunday.
The Mail on Sunday and the Observer report on One Hyde Park, the world's most expensive residential block, which is in Knightsbridge, London.
BBC: UK newspaper review: Sunday papers look ahead to strike
The Mail on Sunday reported a work permit was granted to the 26-year-old after representations were made by former Conservative cabinet minister Anne Widdecome.
Mr Evans claimed in the Mail on Sunday that a Labour MP - who he did not name - had been threatening to "out" him.
"Like me, he believes the entire board and executive should be replaced, " a friend of Lord Weinstock is quoted as telling the Mail on Sunday.
Well today, as we mentioned, the Mail on Sunday have got the Rich Report, and Richard, you have rocketed from number five to number four.
The Mail on Sunday claimed leaked emails showed that the quiz's premium rate entry line continued to be promoted after a contestant had been selected.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Madeley 'livid' over quiz scandal
"The Lions experience was not good for Jonny - I thought he was handled poorly, " the former England player told The Mail on Sunday newspaper.
BBC: SPORT | Rugby Union | English | Wilkinson handled badly - Andrew
The Mail on Sunday reports that Dame Eileen Atkins - co-creator of Upstairs Downstairs - has refused to appear in the next series because she is unhappy with the scripts.
"The baroness has shown absolutely no respect for my father and is simply putting her own financial needs above everything else, " she told the Mail on Sunday.
In 2008 the Mail on Sunday claimed to have worked out Banksy's identity from one of the photos, and named him as former public school pupil Robin Gunningham.
Referring to Thomas Sorenson's mistake that gifted England their opening goal, the Mail on Sunday's headline is 'Danish butter fingers hand it on a plate to Sven's men'.
It may not be precisely as outlined in the Mail on Sunday, but re-negotiate EU membership, forge closer trading links with the United States, keep the pound, cut taxation?
Options under consultation also include a French-style wealth tax on personal assets, such as jewellery and paintings, according to the Mail on Sunday and the Sunday Times.
American entrepreneur Ms Karnath told the Mail on Sunday that when she arrived at Claridges with her husband at 1830BST the Hamiltons were waiting and looked "calm and collected".
Tory MP Mark Field told the Mail on Sunday that he had "a handful of conversations with people" but that there was "no mass campaign" in support of Mr Afriyie.
The Mail on Sunday claimed it had obtained a copy of a message sent by Eckoh to Cactus TV timed at 1709 GMT last Wednesday, listing 24 names and numbers.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Madeley 'livid' over quiz scandal
"It's absolute rubbish to suggest my England career is over and that I've decided to call it a day on the international scene, " Ince said in The Mail on Sunday.