In bankruptcy court, the question was whether the main purpose of the plan was tax avoidance.
FORBES: Fallen Solyndra Won Bankruptcy Battle But Faces Tax War
The main purpose of international laws of war is to punish the evil and protect the innocent.
During the time-sharing wave of 35 years ago the main purpose of sharing was to maximize hardware.
The main purpose of the Compact is to disallow any new diversions of water outside of the region.
FORBES: What Turkey, Football and Beer Have in Common (It's Not Just Thanksgiving)
But the main purpose of this spacecraft will be to carry astronauts beyond our orbit to other worlds.
CNN: Bush: 'It is time for America to take the next steps' in space
So the main purpose here is to say thank you, and thank you on behalf of the American people.
Perhaps the main purpose of yawning is to remind us how mysterious human beings still are, even to themselves.
The main purpose of this meeting would be finalizing the IDI road map and determining its future activities and action plan.
UNESCO: Second International Drought Initiative (IDI) Meeting
The first question the FCC has to ask is what was the main purpose of splitting Ma Bell into the baby bells?
Chelsea Garbell, president of Bridges and a junior at NYU, said the main purpose of the trip was to facilitate religious dialogue.
WHITEHOUSE: Muslim and Jewish Students Unite to Help Survivors
The main purpose of America's huge nuclear arsenal remains that of deterrence.
All pretty harmless, if the main purpose is to prevent fraud.
Unlike a fallout shelter that protects from radioactive debris, the main purpose of the building was to protect from shock waves and overpressure.
The main purpose of this text is to protect shipwrecks, which are key to understanding our history, especially the development of trade routes.
It is very important not to lose sight of the main purpose of a pension scheme, which is to provide income in retirement.
The main purpose is to equip parent leaders with ideas and energy for helping others in home communities to help ALL our children succeed.
James Cook, a year into his circumnavigation of the world, observed the transit of Venus over the Sun's disc, the main purpose of his voyage.
Barclays is expected to continue helping clients with their tax arrangements, but will not engage in activities where the main purpose is to avoid tax.
The main purpose for a testing phase of any new weapons system is to iron out bugs -- it is supposed to find opportunities for product improvement.
The main purpose of UNESCO, according to its Constitution is to contribute to peace and security by promoting the collaboration of nations through education, science and culture.
The main purpose of thought experiments, though, is to show that a problem is soluble in principle and so to encourage others to try to solve it in practice.
The main purpose of this trip is rebuild bridges and improving relationships which could give him more leverage over the new Israeli government, the BBC North America editor Mark Mardell reports.
BBC: Obama vows Israeli friendship on first visit as president
Canonical has been pretty clear that the main purpose of this early release is to lure in developers and get them to contribute to the fundamental stages of the project.
The main purpose of this show is to help young people see that even the people you look up to share similar interests and are basically the same, and to break stereotypes.
The main purpose of the inquiry is to look at how successful national and local land use planning policies are in delivering government policy objectives e.g. climate change, affordable housing and regeneration.
Mostly the debate centred on whether women should engage in a sport, the main purpose of which is to inflict damage on your opponent and, in the professional game, possibility to knock the other person unconscious.
"This implies that the main purpose of establishing CIC...still has a long way to go, " said Friedrich Wu, an adjunct associate professor at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore who has written several research papers on the fund.
Today Prime Minister Abe departs on a week long trip to Russia and the Middle East the main purpose and expected result of which is to help secure for Japanese interests ample future supplies of relatively cheap oil and gas.
The main purpose of a criminal sentence is to protect society from further crime by giving offenders a chance to learn from their mistakes, develop socially responsible behaviour and be able to live a crime-free life after their release from prison.
The main purpose of the seminar was to give an general idea of current state of ground water in Uzbekistan, scientific-educational activities and the area of usage of underground water and determination of future trends relating to improvement of research methods and educational approaches with development of practical recommendations.