You can check out the Main Theme on Soundcloud, and prepare to be wowed.
The main theme slowing sales - especially first time buyers - seemed to be difficulty getting a mortgage.
Yet the need for greater co-ordination in fiscal policy is the main theme of the new governments' thinking.
The idea was to give it a warmer, fresher and more current sound, which felt like a different part of the main theme.
Many people talk about government spending as a percentage of GDP or attempt to use spurious metrics that confuse the main theme of the data.
Focusing on consumers in the future was the main theme of Da Silva's keynote speech to the 200-strong audience of academics, industry experts and commission officials.
The main theme echoed by politicians is that the current economic climate makes it hard to conceive of any more taxpayers' money being diverted to fund political parties.
The main theme during the election was the economic crisis.
BBC: Grenada opposition wins clean sweep in general election
The economy is the main theme of the mayoral campaign.
ECONOMIST: The Social Democratic Party under threat in its heartland
The Round Table is organized in the framework of the 2012 World Philosophy Day whose celebration at UNESCO Headquarters on 15 November 2012 is dedicated to the main theme of "Future Generations".
UNESCO: Round Table on the theme "Youth, Philosophy and Future"
Echoing the main theme of the campaign, he argued Scotland could have the "best of both worlds" - a strong, devolved parliament in Edinburgh which was at the same time part of a strong United Kingdom.
He says that his party's campaign will take up issues such as the shortages of electricity and drinking water in the state, and adds that the main theme of the election is the caste of the candidate, rather than the communal divide.
Some 70 leading Argentine business people will be strengthening economic links, the other main theme of the visit.
Cultural changes form the other main theme of the exhibition.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South West Wales | Artist draws on valley changes
The main Bush campaign theme in the president's speeches and the political ads will be "steady leadership for times of change, " according to a senior Bush aide.
Disaster risk reduction on the oceans and in coastal zones is another main theme of the meeting.
Beethoven establishes the key, presents a main theme and even offers a development section all within the first seven seconds.
WSJ: Plumbing the Depths of Beethoven | Richard Goode | Cultural Conversation by Stuart Isacoff
In Bedford, Iowa, Lena Rinehart, 65, missed part of the debate because she fell asleep--"When I get in my recliner, it doesn't take too long"--but she woke up soon enough to hear Gore's main theme of the night.
CNN: In many voters' minds, debate fails in the drama department
His main theme is the imperative for the government of putting the promotion of economic growth at the heart of everything it does, to re-engineer the British economy so that it does not stagnate in a Japanese way forever.
But if Newt's forward thinking is in some ways admirable, it is odd territory at the end of an economic crisis, for a politician whose main theme is cutting government spending and decreasing the power of the state.
Doubtless his main theme will be that the Arab Spring is diametrically opposed to Bin Laden's ideology, and leaves al-Qaeda looking flat footed and out dated.
Ignorance is not an excuse, but it seems to be the central theme for Michael Wallerstein, the main subject of the article.
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Though Mr Shoemaker's career was diverse, it had a central theme: that some of the main events in the solar system's history were not gradual changes, as scientists once supposed, but sudden, violent catastrophes.
Indeed, the Finns hope to make relations with Russia a main theme of their tenure.
This theme is proposed as main focus for the meeting of the International Working Group, convened on 24 October and formed by experts in representation of the participating ministries of culture.
It focused on one main area, Decision Making (Choices), under the sub-theme, "Don't follow the tide, U decide" .
Instead of focusing exclusively on the main character, Jung assumed that each and every character, obstacle, and theme represents an aspect of our inner lives.
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In previous interviews, Mr. Najib has talked widely on this theme, describing his goal to push Malaysia onto a higher-growth path as the main focus of his administration.