The Man Booker Prize, which is open to writers from the UK, the Commonwealth or the Republic of Ireland, announces its 2013 winner in October.
Mantel, whose novel is part of a trilogy about Henry VIII's adviser Thomas Cromwell, already holds the record for being the first woman and the first living British author to win the Man Booker Prize twice.
With so many "big" books on the shortlist and well-known favourites like Julian Barnes, Zadie Smith and Kazuo Ishiguro, it was quite exciting to see John Banville slink off with the Man Booker Prize last night.
In this novel, short-listed for the Man Booker prize, the author insinuates himself under the skin of Henry James, covering not only the known episodes in the literary lion's life, but also imagining the darker corners.
Howard Jacobson has won the 2010 Man Booker Prize for fiction for his book The Finkler Question.
The book was previously shortlisted for the 2012 Man Booker Prize, which eventually went to Hilary Mantel's Bring Up the Bodies.
American writer Lydia Davis has been awarded the Man Booker International prize for her "achievement in fiction on the world stage".
Winterhart is up against Hilary Mantel's Bring Up the Bodies, winner of the 2012 Man Booker Prize, as well as Stephen May's Life!
Stevens is currently filming the third series of Downton Abbey and is on the judging panel for the 2012 Man Booker Prize for Fiction.
It is Hilary Mantel's second award for Bring Up The Bodies, a historical novel about Thomas Cromwell, which also won the 2012 Man Booker Prize.
Chronicling Thomas Cromwell's rise from blacksmith's son to a prominent position in Henry VIII's court, the novel became a best-seller after winning the 2009 Man Booker Prize and various other awards.
The latest example, which manages quite epically to combine both those forms of snobbery, comes from Sir Peter Stothard, editor of the Times Literary Supplement and Man Booker Prize judge, who has expressed fears that the standard of literary criticism has slipped and that book bloggers are some sort of literary kryptonite that will destroy the industry.
Mantel's win also makes her the first person in Man Booker history to win the prize for a direct sequel.
BBC: Man Booker Prize won by Hilary Mantel's Bring up the Bodies
Established in 1969, the Man Booker is the best-known fiction prize for English-language authors from Commonwealth countries and Ireland.
The formation of the prize was announced in October 2011 amidst criticism about the decision by Man Booker judges that year to focus on "readability".
Each artist read a section of a poem by Man-Booker prize-winning author Yann Martel - emphasising the need for all the world's population to have access to clean water - followed by a musical or artistic performance.