Paul Nash, the general manager of the hotel, gave a Champagne toast to the deceased and survivors, reminding everyone this was not a celebration but a way to honor the Titanic's legacy.
Among these were: an entrepreneur who had just sold her business for an eight-figure sum, the managing director of an investment bank, a U.S. manager of an international hotel chain, a publishing executive, the owner of a catering firm, and a specialist on military affairs in the Middle East who works at the UN.
In 1932, the general manager of the Peabody and his friend returned to the hotel after a weekend hunting trip.
Meanwhile, the manager of the Bell Rock hotel said a number of bookings have been cancelled and that was of concern as business "just ticked over" outside the tourism season.
The manager of Arco Iris Amazonica, a small hotel in the rain forest city of Iquitos, told police the couple stayed there on February 16 and told him they planned to travel to the town of Naplo, a 15-day trek.
Two more people have been arrested over a burglary at the home of a 39-year-old nightclub manager who was later found dead at a hotel in Northamptonshire.
The family of a nightclub manager found murdered in a Northamptonshire hotel, has issued a plea to help find his killers.
So customers who have stayed in a hotel they like may return, even if rivals of the same standard are offering cheaper rates especially as on a repeat visit they may know which side of the hotel is less noisy, and the manager may remember to book them a good table for dinner.
The resort's location and nice weather make it attractive, said Ted Hadley, manager of the 300-acre resort, which features a hotel, camp sites and permanent residences.
Shoppers in Corby have been asked to help police investigating the murder of a nightclub manager whose body was found at a nearby hotel.
She needs to get in touch with Kiin, the manager of Maanta Hotel, who, according to Raxma, a close friend of Cambara's back in Toronto, is well connected and might serve the salient purpose of Cambara's accessing information about the videocassettes and of building local contacts, including the Women's Network, which may help her with all sorts of matters.
"It looks like I'm running from a crime scene, " says the general manager of London's Corinthia Hotel.
The 15th Century Spread Eagle Hotel has needed a number of costly repairs, said its manager Ted James.
"We're gearing up to meet a new market, " says Nguyen Phong Hung, manager of the Century Riverside Hotel.
Pierre Jochem, general manager of Raffles International, noted that the watch brand, which is 180 years old, shares a commitment with the hotel to heritage and innovation.
The assistant manager of the hotel turned to his head sommelier, who took another sip and nodded that it was, indeed, a bad bottle.
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