In a way then, all the messianic promise of "Kony 2012" is eerily prescient.
The messianic fervour of the settler movement and of sections of the Hasidic community seems to be intensifying.
Forty-two years old, with cropped light-brown hair, tenth-grader looks, and a fluttering, finchlike energy, he is an odd mixture of the nerdy and the messianic.
But today, American Jews find themselves helpless when a marginal group of anti-Zionist Jews demands - like the Messianic Jews of their day - communal funding and space for their anti-Israel activities.
But to me, the vendors and the technology is not as important as the realization, the messianic vision if you will, that the culmination of social business is not a separate environment but the synthesis just described.
FORBES: Completing the Social Business Transformation: A Manifesto
Stewart -- like Theron -- carries off a serviceable English accent and mostly refrains from those irritating Bella-isms, but it's not so easy to take her seriously as the messianic resistance leader that Sanders seems to have in mind (you get the feeling the director thinks he's auditioning for the next "Narnia" movie, or even Middle Earth).
Jonas Kaufmann made Parsifal complicated and vivid, from the adolescent shrug with which he conveyed his initial lack of understanding to the pure, messianic authority of his final transformation.
But for all that, from the beginning, Mr Gilder's messianic intensity and relentless optimism exert a grip on the reader that never lets go.
As the Yediot headline indicated, the media portrayed him as an unstable messianic, or they castigated him as an extremist and marginal force in the US. Haaretz and Globes both ran articles attacking Beck as an anti-Semite.
But unlike WikiLeaks' would-be messianic founder, the 32-year-old hacker shrinks from the spotlight.
But Mr Bouchard has once again demonstrated his messianic connection with the voters.
But he and his followers at the yeshiva were not the only ones who saw the victory in miraculous and messianic terms.
Lou Kerner, 49, speaks in hyperbolic, almost messianic terms about the power of what he calls the "second Internet" and the trillions of dollars of wealth he expects it will create.
Despite his self-styled affinity with Tony Blair, Mr Cameron has none of the former prime minister's messianic zeal.
Some also say that the show is preachy, even messianic, and that its research is not always up to scratch.
The former Tory chancellor is top at promoting "the cult of personality", says d'Ancona, adding that Clarke is "the man who puts the 'mess' in 'messianic'".
Thanks to the White Witch (Tilda Swinton), a perpetual winter has descended a curse that will vanish only with the arrival of Aslan, a messianic lion (voiced by Liam Neeson).
Wilson's messianic view was harshly criticized by the British and French, by his domestic political opponents who controlled the Congress and by members of his own administration.
Or does it make them little different to a US presidential candidate who, as a devout Christian, may hold messianic beliefs but does not expect the Second Coming during his or her term of office?
According to The Times , Mr Putin appears to have an almost messianic appeal for millions of voters weary of drift and corruption.
In any event, Mr Sadr's movement is split between pragmatists who want to win a modicum of power by co-operating with the new order and a more militant wing that prefers messianic declarations and last stands.
The lynchpin of his campaign has been a faith, almost messianic, in his personal excellence.
It no longer idolises America, or sees itself as part of a messianic consolidation of freedom, justice and prosperity in the post-Soviet neighbourhood.
In contrast, Andres Manual Lopez Obrador has an almost messianic belief that he's been called to uplift the masses.
Teitel was also convicted of the attempted murder of teenager Ami Ortiz in 2008, whose family are Messianic Jews - Jews who believe in Jesus as a saviour.
Parallel to these messianic claims another interesting development took place as Mario Jorge Bergoglio, an Argentinean Cardinal was chosen as the new Pope.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Could the papacy play a role in post-Chavez Latin America?
Cobain has become a messianic icon since his death in 1994, and fans continue to flock to his hometown of Aberdeen and the site of his death.