The mountain farms themselves add to this aura, being run using farming techniques little-changed since the Middle Ages.
The ancient Egyptians ate goose, and it has been popular in Europe since the Middle Ages.
Europeans in the Middle Ages also developed a taste for trade with China and the Indies.
She could picture him as a king in the Middle Ages: Cal the Seriously Off.
In England, murder fell by a factor of 100 from the Middle Ages until today.
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Bookworms were a problem in the Middle Ages, but a decent vellum parchment could last 300 years.
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In the Middle Ages the nail fungus, Poronia punctata, which grows on horse droppings, was extremely common.
Gin's origins stretch back to the Middle Ages, when it was served as a remedy for various ailments.
The role was created in the middle ages and then, as now, reports directly to the Commons Speaker.
The Romans improved the process, inventing the fiber wick, and during the Middle Ages, beeswax candles were introduced.
Because these waterways were the arteries of trade, Bruges became rich during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
The tortures inflicted on victims of the Holy Inquisition for heresy from the Middle Ages onwards are legendary.
Founded by the Romans as a thermal spa, Bath became an important centre of the wool industry in the Middle Ages.
Much of the progress made by Europe since the Middle Ages is the direct result of cultural exchange.
The rise of universities in the Middle Ages also stimulated several technical innovations.
During the Middle Ages, a castle was specifically a fortified structure, largely built to defend nobles against hostile intrusions.
The first billionaire of Wales, he has made his mark next to Roman ruins and castles from the Middle Ages.
The priest-ridden societies of the Middle Ages are often regarded by non-medievalists as having reached their apogee in this period.
It survived the fall of Rome remarkably well and continued with some small changes in vocabulary into the Middle Ages.
It was a relatively obscure plant until the Middle Ages when people figured out how to refine, store, and trade it.
In the Middle Ages the area was a magnet for hermits, who came there to devote themselves to penance and prayer.
Gothic architecture added narrative in colored stained glass to the figurative repertory, and frescoes at the close of the Middle Ages.
Prince Henry is thus firmly placed as a man of the Middle Ages rather than as a harbinger of the renaissance.
Many were laid down as packhorse routes by shepherds and traders during the Middle Ages, but a few are thought to be even older.
Nice trip down memory lane to the Middle Ages of computer games.
For historians, the Paston Letters have long been a fascinating insight into the soap opera lives of gentry in the Middle Ages.
As far back as the Middle Ages, successive Nile-based rulers established a pattern of plundering Sudan's southern and western hinterlands for slaves.
They are essential for the study of medieval attitudes towards piety, and the spiritual needs and wellbeing of an urban population in the middle ages.
Around 8, 000 works of art are being reorganised to tell the story of the Netherlands from the Middle Ages to the present day.
In the middle ages, philandering, theologian wanna-be Augstine of Hippo, as he would come to be known, was into wine, women and song.