"It is up to negotiators to figure out where the middle ground is today, " Bowles said.
Inhabiting the middle ground are dozens of "not free" phones, including music and camera phones.
The middle ground is where the effective game is played, consistently, strategically, and over a lifetime.
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Two explanations present themselves, neither of them very encouraging for those pursuing the middle ground.
He is occupying the middle ground in order to reassure white voters that he shares their values.
In truth, Obama was a moderate young technocrat, whose first instinct was to seek the middle ground.
He has disappointed many supporters, disappointed those in the middle ground, and even, curiously, disappointed his enemies.
That will not be easy, since Mr Aznar has successfully moved his party to the middle ground.
How do you find the middle ground between allowing industrial development but at the same time protecting health?
Well-positioned people and companies can speak both languages and find the middle ground where cool stuff can happen.
Carolina Milanesi of Gartner Research, takes the middle ground on the issue.
I'm probably more in the middle ground there -- maybe the ditch category.
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Trying to find the middle ground took a lot of trial and error.
The challenge for a club like the Phillies is navigating the middle ground.
Some of them, like Hassan Ghaffourifard, have moved over to the middle ground, adopting a reformist agenda and parlance.
Funes could count on the FMLN base and also cover the middle ground.
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The middle ground of Malaysian politics can still win, but it won't be the old Barisan Nasional of conservative race-based parties.
The middle ground may be that while long-term price movements are random, over shorter periods, trends that attract investment dollars emerge.
They say he tells uncomfortable truths and they think he can win voters from the left and the middle ground because of that.
But in politics appearances count, and this sort of thing spells danger for a president who is reaching out to voters of the middle ground.
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The convention continued to meet, having successfully united the middle ground.
Politically, he stood on the middle ground: fundamentally conservative (supporting the Nicaraguan contras, school prayer and guns) but bravely outspoken, especially as a southerner, on civil rights.
The aim of the speech was clear: to shift Labour into the middle ground of British politics, a space that Mr Miliband claims the Conservatives have vacated.
Still later, with the competition between nationalist forces, represented by Megawati, and Rais's political Islam becoming more pronounced in the legislature, Wahid positioned himself as the middle ground.
Poll investors, amateur or professional, about the future and you will likely get a neatly-shaped bell curve of expected outcomes, with most respondents herding toward the perceived safety of the middle ground.
Its former coalition partner, the (conservative) Party of the Liberal Front, has changed its name to the Democrats as part of a stampede for the middle ground of Brazilian politics.
If the problem can be defined as lack of clarity about where collaboration ends and cheating begins, the solution lies with open, university-wide dialogue to define and stabilize the middle ground.
As a result the Liberal Democrats face a choice between contesting the middle ground against opponents with heavier artillery, or trying to establish a new and more defensible position on their flanks.