This years theme was Chemistry: our life, our future and the contest was for middle school students throughout all of Brazil.
And of course, I want to thank all the students from the Lincoln Multicultural Middle School -- where are my students? (Applause.) Thank you all for joining us.
WHITEHOUSE: President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition
Its primary subject was the meanness of middle-school students.
Across the country thousands of elementary, middle and high school students are feeling the impact too.
CNN: Students can't be part of main graduation because of Mexico trip
The first year, we partnered with our middle school Builders Clubs and encouraged the students to write letters while the adult Kiwanis clubs provided the shoes.
Middle school and high school students from across the country descended on the State Dining Room at the White House for the first White House Science Fair.
The same is true for middle-school students, according to UCLA psychology professor Jaana Juvonen, who's been studying bullying since the mid-1990s.
By the time students get to middle and high school, they're more likely to be taught by a teacher with a degree in science.
One, the Digital Youth Network, has for the past five years encouraged groups of about 60 middle school students to work on making musical instruments and videos as a means to improving literacy and numeracy.
The surviving Sandy Hook students have been attending Chalk Hill Middle School in nearby Monroe, Conn.
The surviving students have been attending classes in a middle school in nearby Monroe, Conn.
MiddleZine Magazine, like Cyberteens, gets the bulk of its contributions from young students at Hudson Middle School in Hudson, Ohio.
CNN: Site Seer: Web sites let kids chat, learn, get published
When I was in high school, they built an indoor driving range, and the intention at that time was to train middle or high school students to be golfers.
Cheating rates rise through middle school and by high school, 51% of students admit to cheating on a test in the past year, and 74% say they have copied another student's homework, according to a 2012 survey of 23, 000 high-school students by the Josephson Institute of Ethics, in Los Angeles, a nonprofit character-education organization.
Now, we are recognizing the need for a math program that allows our most advanced middle school students to push into and beyond Algebra I.
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On July 19th, three students representing the Green Team of Harry Hurst Middle School, along with myself, were honored with the Champions for Change Award for our endeavors of starting a recycling program on our school campus.
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Price Middle School has about 400 students and has metal detectors at the doors, Davis said.
Dr Seeley says that truancy often begins after students' transition from middle school to high school in the US, at 13 or 14 years old.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Truancy: How do countries compare?
Students from Sandy Hook attended Chalk Hill Middle School in the nearby town of Monroe because the Sandy Hook building remains part of an active investigation.
Students from Sandy Hook now attend Chalk Hill Middle School in the nearby town of Monroe.
But my goal is to challenge more schools and more communities to take part in this, particularly middle and high school students, because right now those 635 students are at the elementary school level, and we need to take this challenge up to kids in middle schools and high schools.
Also, most colleges understand that students might need to take a year off, either before school or in the middle of their education, to save money.
Eighth-grader Asher Brown shot himself in the head in September after enduring what his mother and stepfather say was constant harassment from four other middle school students.
With middle and high-school students, parents should listen closely to what kids say about the tragedy, encourage them to talk about any specific reactions or fears, and provide reassurance whenever possible, says Geri Kerr, a Morristown, N.
Sandy Hook students returned to class this month in the nearby town of Monroe, at Chalk Hill Middle School, while investigators comb the crime scene.
At Parkville Middle School outside of Baltimore, engineering is the most popular subject, thanks to outstanding teachers who are inspiring students to focus on their math and science skills.
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When one of my old middle school teachers discovered Facebook, one of the first things he did was to upload old photos of his prior students.
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It requires focusing on students, from middle school through high school, who face factors at home, in the neighborhood, or in school that put them at risk of dropping out.
Today, YES serves students from the third grade through graduate school, though Eisner focuses on the pivotal upper-middle-school years: The kids are old enough for him to reliably evaluate their work ethic and their hunger for knowledge, but young enough that their minds are still growing rapidly.
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They offer an affordable option for middle-class high-school students who want to attend a four-year college but cannot afford the tuition.