Details on the euro zone's plans are still sketchy, but the ministers from the E.
The ministers have demanded the mayor produce a "growth plan" for the capital by April.
BBC: Ministers criticise mayor Boris Johnson over ?111m fund
Three of the ministers are holdovers from the government of Mario Monti, the outgoing prime minister.
The conference was supported by the Council of the Ministers and the UNESCO Phnom Penh Office.
The ministers' withdrawal was confirmed to CNN by Nasser al Rubaie, a spokesman for the bloc.
GARCIA-NAVARRO: Most of the ministers will shadow real departments like foreign relations and health.
NPR: Mexico's Obrador Vows to Continue Fighting for the Presidency
The ministers will remain in their positions until a successor is elected the following week.
BBC: NEWS | Europe | Guernsey | Resignation letters go to States
As often as not, the ministers and central-bank governors who approached him were former students.
Deputy chairperson Stephen Farry advised the ministers that Mr Elliott was at a funeral.
About half the ministers in his conservative coalition government are republicans of one stripe or another.
ECONOMIST: Australia: A republic, but not at any price | The
So, very few will understand the reform to the reforms which the ministers plan to unveil soon.
The ministers will be looking at ways to make the Balkans operations more efficient to reduce their size.
The ministers were kept briefly inside for security reasons until it was clear there was no immediate danger.
So do the finance ministers of Argentina, Brazil and Chile, and the foreign ministers of Argentina and Mexico.
Another would be to open up Council of Ministers' meetings to public scrutiny when the ministers are legislating.
In an interview with the BBC, he would not name the ministers he said had contacted him with concerns.
The ministers are quietly satisfied that a bail-out for Portugal has been agreed.
The ministers are due to meet again at the end of this month.
But the ministers demanded a further 325m euros in savings for this year.
The ministers asked the Syrian National Coalition to send its representative to the group's meeting in Doha later this month.
As soon as the ministers alighted, they moved toward the aggrieved and, with folded hands, asked them about their problems.
Nonetheless, the ministers gathered in Paris this week gave the Doha talks exactly what they needed: a concerted political shove.
The ministers received an update from senior officials of the Foods Standards Agency (FSA) on their investigations into the controversy.
This six-man body, which includes the ministers of justice and the interior, has rejected every application it has ever received.
The ministers also sought a more active role from the United States in helping to resuscitate the battered peace process.
After intense argument, the ministers surfaced at around midnight on Tuesday with a deal that seems to please most people.
"Our view is quite clear and we agree with the ministers, nobody should be forced to move", Mr Griffin explained.
Expectations that the euro will be launched on time have nevertheless risen, largely for reasons unconnected to the ministers' decision.
Then it was back to the European Parliament for more wrangling between the MEPs and the ministers, before a second reading.
The court ruled that the ministers were still taxable on their earnings despite trying to assign the pay to the Church.