Officers investigating missing persons cases extracted DNA from his teeth and found a match on the missing person database.
BBC: Weybourne body: Plea for new Michael Sutherland inquest
All you need is to be connected and the device will quickly track the exact position of the missing person.
ENGADGET: Updated Android-based I'm Watch, new I'm Here GPS tracker make their debut
The missing person inquiry took a more serious turn last Friday following the arrest of a 27-year-old man on suspicion of murder.
They are usually informed of cases after 72 hours if the missing person has not been found, but high-risk reports are escalated sooner.
On Tuesday, Antony Kinyua -- Alexander Kinyua's father -- called a Harford County detective assigned to the missing person's case and told him about his other son's gruesome discovery.
The missing person report triggered a media storm, with Paris Jackson tweeting for people to help find her grandmother or at least to get a phone call from her.
They also explained how people missing in the mountains were usually lost or injured, whereas these semi-urban searches were often for people suffering from dementia, feeling suicidal, or young children - all factors that could effect how the missing person acts.
He told BBC Radio Ulster that officers who initially responded to the missing person report carried out a torchlight search of the grounds and were directed towards a nearby school that was in a different area to where Mr Fenton's body was found.
Appearance: The FBI missing person poster described her as 5 feet, 1 inch to 5 feet, 3 inches tall and weighing 105 pounds.
Appearance: The FBI missing person poster described her as 5 feet 1 inch to 5 feet 3 inches tall and weighing 135 pounds.
Appearance: The FBI missing person poster identified her as 5 feet 1 inch to 5 feet 3 inches tall and weighing 135 pounds.
Post script to this article: the missing crew person, a woman, was recovered in an unresponsive condition near the scene and later pronounced dead.
According to the missing-person posters, Arrington was 5'4'' and 110 pounds.
The studio distributed missing-person fliers with the actors' faces on them in bookstores, clubs and apparel shops around the country, then created a Web site with faked police reports and news accounts of the disappearances.
An official with the city's fire department said earlier that the missing man and another person were in a guard shack at t he BAE Shipyard that was blown into the Mobile River.
April's disappearance has prompted one of the biggest searches for a missing person in recent times, and involved hundreds of volunteers from the Machynlleth area, across Wales and parts of England.
Mexico City Mayor Miguel Angel Mancera said authorities are treating the incident as a missing-person case because so far, there's no evidence the young people were kidnapped.
The sense of urgency and hitting the ground running from the start could be the difference in many missing person cases.
Due to heavy caseloads, law enforcement officials are frequently not afforded the continuous training and education that could help them in the search for a missing person.
The FBI's missing person website says Ashley Summers has a tattoo of "Gene" enclosed in a heart on her upper arm, and her birthday is June 16, 1993, making her 19 years old.
The IPCC is also investigating how the police dealt with a missing person report made by Mr Somers' family on 31 July and complaints made by his family about the way their telephone calls to the police were handled.
BBC: Cheng Somers' death: Devon and Cornwall Police face probe
In 2010, Damien's case was changed by the police from that of a missing person to a suspected murder investigation.
BBC: Mother of Damien Nettles talks of drugs debt murder theory
Mr Caton accepted that one person missing from the register was "one too many" but he was confident the list was managed "effectively".
Crown witness Lee Winyard said he believed the car they arrived in was the same as the one that featured in a missing person poster relating to Ms Spence's disappearance.
But there was one person missing from the party.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Merseyside | Poignant party for grieving family
Cleveland city spokeswoman Maureen Harper said that under state policy, detectives are asked to remove missing persons from the databases if they can't confirm a person is still missing during annual checks.
WSJ: Lapse in Missing-Persons List Questioned by Cleveland Officials
Among those who keep track of slightly less high-profile missing-person cases, the story will be strikingly familiar.
She is listed as a missing and possibly endangered person from the Miami area.