So if more of the banking and trading was done by women less of the banking and trading would be of the risky kind and more would be of the less risky kind.
Thiel, who was in law school at the time, was also the president of the Stanford Federalist Society and the founder of the Stanford Review, a more highbrow, less bad-boy version of the notoriously incendiary Dartmouth Review.
Kennan thought that Americans were shallow, materialistic, and self-centered he had the attitude of a typical mid-century European and the more he saw of them the less fond of them he grew.
And while nobody has gone so far as to openly celebrate an early elimination, it probably would be safe to assume that some managers aren't too displeased at the prospect of more rest and less travel in the stretch to the end of the season, when their club's future status (and their own future employment) will be determined.
The news release also does not reveal whether higher doses of the drug showed more or less of an effect than lower doses.
Risk equals reward, but now the governments of the world want less of the first and more of the latter and more layers to the failed oversight system that let the credit system bubble and crunch.
The mixture the team achieved leaves the combined mass of lignin and cellulose in the trunk more or less unchanged and, contrary to the expectations of many critics, the resulting trees are as strong as unmodified ones.
The threat of more injuries (with less pay) is the main concern of the Players Association in switching to the 18-game schedule.
There is of course a very interesting question whether the risk aversion of the regulator is more or less rational than the priesthood's apparent appetite for risk.
There will without doubt be improvements in the efficiency of the economy - more output from less electricity through better machines or ways of doing things or better materials.
"It is more aware of the need for competition, less afraid of the arts being subversive, and more assured of their positive qualities in the making of a modern society, " he says.
The likely cause of the crash is far more complex and less definable, says Ben Van Vliet, a professor at the Illinois Institute of Technology.
FORBES: Searching For Flash Crash Culprit, The SEC Fingers Wrong Man
He said some information was already available and showed the first set of results were "more or less in line with the expectations of the industry".
The photographs (many of them taken on a Vest Pocket Kodak, more or less the equivalent of a modern disposable camera) are starkly beautiful.
The move, more or less the equivalent of an old-fashioned table-pounding affirmation of her bullish stance on the stock, comes in tandem with a release of the bullish results of a survey Morgan conducted that shows strong demand for for the iPhone.
FORBES: Apple: Morgan Stanley Says Buy Now; Bullish On iPhone
Or are their votes more of an economic tantrum against the globalization that threatens the less-work, more-welfare ethos of their contemporary lives?
The First Concept: The more something costs, the less of it you get.
In particular, as Mr Wall notes, he provides an answer to the question left hanging by Mr Stora: namely, given that the French army by the end of the 1950s had more or less won its war in Algeria, why did Algeria nonetheless gain its independence?
The multinational digger has just confirmed it has let the trucks roam free at the Nammuldi iron ore mine, a hole in the ground located in more or less the middle of nowhere, as the nearest town, Tom Price, is 60km away.
FORBES: Don't Tell The Teamsters: But Driverless Trucks Are Already Here
The theory of the permanent campaign is an attempt to explain the politics of the world through one idea that more or less applies everywhere.
The new battery architecture may allow the development of more compact and less expensive battery systems, according to the researchers.
FORBES: Sludge Battery Breakthrough at MIT Sparks 'Cambridge Crude' Speculation
Of course, producers could switch to making dry white wine or even red, but by an accident of geography and climate, Sauternes is one of the few areas in which conditions are more or less perfect for the production of that distinctive rich, nutty sweetness.
WSJ: Will Lyons on Wine: The Bitter Economics of Sweet Wines
He is very popular in the west of the country, but goes down less well is the more backward, rural regions of eastern Turkey.
Rather, the lost productivity is a consequence of the more fragmented, less accountable care that results from these schemes.
WSJ: Scott Gottlieb: The Doctor Will Not See You Now��He's Clocked Out
Dredging them up will lead to their proliferation in the water, and the fish will take in more of the stuff, not less.
So what about the big question of moment to all of us: will the banks lend more or less as a result of today's announcement?
Mr. Grzych and others said that while the Moore twister was more powerful, the characteristics of the El Reno tornado made it less predictable and more dangerous for chasers.
Some speculate that the tabloids' flowering is really just a relic of the Clinton years: a more upright (and less charismatic) president will be the death of them.
The panel judged both performances of three of the excerpts more or less equal in quality.
ECONOMIST: Orchestras really can use the smack of firm leadership
The brains of reptiles correspond more or less to the structures known in mammals as the brain stem and the cerebellum.