At Beatrice hospital in Harare, bodies were piled in the mortuary, awaiting relatives to collect them.
After finishing the sentence, she was kept in the mortuary because she was still determined to continue her campaign.
BBC: China detains woman at disused mortuary for three years
"Yesterday the mortuary sent 12 bodies to us as they were not identified, " says Luis Arredondo who runs the cemetery.
An investigation by the hospital found the hospital had done the same thing in the past when the mortuary was full.
Ms Eastwood said Mr Philpott seemed "calm and matter of fact" when they talked about seeing his dead children at the mortuary.
Meanwhile, the funeral parlour owner returned to the mortuary to fetch the body, so that she could be buried by her family.
In the days following the crash, relatives of those killed or injured gathered at hospitals and some cases the mortuary to demand answers.
Cold cots lower the temperature and keep it constant so the baby's body does not need to be sent to the mortuary straight away.
"The department of histopathology is too small, it is underfunded, and the mortuary is far too small for the needs of the local area".
South Yorkshire Police is conducting an inquiry into why Mr Alder's body remained in the mortuary when his family thought they had buried him in 2000.
In a statement, the Air Force said the mortuary suffered from "deficiencies" in some procedures like paperwork, but "processes to which they related were appropriately conducted".
Abizaid's panel considered and rejected a large-scale reorganization of the mortuary that would have put the Army medical examiners and Air Force morticians under a single commander.
WSJ: Dover Military Mortuary Sent Some 9/11 Remains to Landfill
But Air Force Chief of Staff Norton Schwartz said Wednesday that the mortuary at Dover didn't handle any remains from United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed in Shanksville.
WSJ: Claims That Sept. 11 Remains Were Buried in Landfill are Challenged
Carolyn Lerner, the special counsel, said the awareness of the problems at the mortuary and the corrective action wouldn't have taken place without the disclosures by personnel at Dover.
WSJ: Dover Military Mortuary Sent Some 9/11 Remains to Landfill
An investigation by the federal Office of Special Counsel determined recently that whistleblowers who originally reported problems in handling the remains of several service members at the mortuary faced reprisals by supervisors.
WSJ: Dover Military Mortuary Sent Some 9/11 Remains to Landfill
Peter Houghton, NHS Executive regional director of the Eastern region, said an investigation into the incident found the hospital had no policies in place for what should happen if the mortuary was full.
Now he was being told that the soldiers at the Mortuary Affairs collection point were being alerted to get ready for remains, as were the soldiers at the collection point called Vehicle Sanitization.
The office of the US Air Force Inspector General, while confirming the overall pattern of complaints, found no evidence of criminal wrongdoing and concluded that the mortuary officials named had not personally broken rules or regulations.
The director of the mortuary division at Dover, Quinton Keel, was reassigned at the base to a non-supervisory position, although the OSC report said the position was created specifically for him after he was no longer director.
Did the report on the Dover mortuary reach the White House level?
The Haida's woodworking skills also extended to onshore structures, including cedar plank and long houses, and the iconic mortuary and memorial poles on par with Easter Island's statues minus the mystery.
Two panels will review operations at the Dover mortuary and identify any improvements.
The remains, recovered during recent searches for shuttle debris, had been taken to the National Mortuary at Dover Air Force Base to be identified.
On the other side is the city mortuary.
FORBES: An Overlooked Workforce That's Perfect For Hands-On Tasks
Before 2008, the Dover mortuary disposed of some fragments of service members' remains that were unidentified or unclaimed by family by cremating them and giving them to a medical-waste contractor, which sent them to a landfill.
WSJ: Claims That Sept. 11 Remains Were Buried in Landfill are Challenged
In reality, these half-measures have all of the vitality of mortuary cosmetics and an equivalent purpose.
"I want to reassure our men and women in uniform, and the American public, that the Air Force mortuary standards they expect for our fallen heroes are being met, " Gen Norton Schwartz, Air Force chief of staff said.
The funeral parlour owner, 42, then took a body to another mortuary in the city, presenting it as Aphiwe Ntombela.
This belief is supported by the traditional Southeast Asian mortuary practices used for members of royalty.
For two years, his body lay in the Gokwe District Hospital mortuary in north-west Zimbabwe.