As Spanish steel beat Incan arrows, so the mule overpowered the llama of the Andes.
The mule is given a minute to catch his breath, while the rest of the team is rounded up, loaded and lashed.
But the key moment, in the history of the mule, came a few years later, when there was a strike of cotton workers.
" Another ad showed a couple in the Ozarks who had bought a Beetle to replace their dead mule, explaining: "It was the only thing to do after the mule died.
Then, in an instant, the port-side packer throws the hooked end of the rope over the mule's starboard side, his partner catches it, turns it round, and a 16-step dance begins.
In 1779, Samuel Crompton, a retiring genius from Lancashire, invented the spinning mule, which made possible the mechanization of cotton manufacture.
Four or five mules long, a string is fashioned, each mule's halter tied to the rear of the next mule's aparejo.
The site reports the test mule was made for Apple by Quanta Computer.
"There's just like a million reasons why the blind mule thing is a difficult angle, " Vos said Friday.
We're going to be doing the Southside mule, where we're going to be taking some American whiskey and a little bit of fresh lemon and simple syrup to make it nice and sweet.
The Punta Union pass is only reachable by foot or mule along the spectacular 50km Santa Cruz trail, part of which is an ancient Inca road.
It was to Portobelo that the treasure from Panama City was brought during the dry season, by heavily guarded mule train along the Camino de Cruces and down the Chagres River, for shipment on to Seville on the mighty galleons of the treasure fleet which called in here once a year.
But the way has not been easy, and Moto Guzzi has been bought and sold like a mule over the decades, even spending a stretch in government receivership.
Until recently, the stony interior could only be explored on the back of a mule.
Fortunately for Spain, ten years earlier Christopher Columbus had opened the New World to mule-packing.
Twenty-five years from now, piloting one's own vehicle will seem weirdly anachronistic and unnecessary, like riding a mule to the mall.
By 1974 he had brushed off the Laotians who were ambushing his mule-trains, and by 1982 he had escaped the Thai air force, which was bombing his camps on the border.
The ranch also prides itself on being the only place where you can find a high-diving aqua mule act in which the animals dive off a 24ft-high platform into six feet of water.
Working in a two-man team, on opposite sides of the animal, packers sling a pair of manty-wrapped loads to the sides of a mule's aparejo and lay a 12-15-metre (40-50ft) lash rope gently across his creature's back.
It has been in development since 2005 and is the the size of a large dog "or a small mule, " says the company.
On the paths between buildings, mule deer wander about, nibbling at potted plants and twitching their ears as rumpled engineers shuffle past, lost in calculation.
The mill owners were looking for a way to replace the workers with unskilled labor, and needed an automatic mule, which did not need to be controlled by the spinner.
And on top of all that there are the equestrian events: horseracing, mule-cart racing, chariot-racing.
Having worked like a mule, you, the CIO, have not seen your family for six years.
Would you mind if I take a mule back depending on the status of my legs on Wednesday?
Men who are horse- and mule-packers during the spring, summer and early autumn have little or no employment in the off-season.
Ballots will be collected at the end of today's vote and transported to the capital by helicopter or by mule over Haiti's mountain roads.