• Networking leader Cisco has cut costs by embedding Linux and the MySQL database into its products.

    FORBES: The New Barbarians

  • Linux, the MySQL database and other low-cost open-source software, first created by amateurs, have evolved at Internet speed and are now polished enough to rival products from Microsoft and Oracle.

    FORBES: The New Barbarians

  • Imagine if the problem had been first identified in November via a process to audit related systems based on the one reported intrusion into the internal chat application, or if an intrusion detection system had started firing red based on the exfiltration of their entire MySQL database.

    FORBES: Discussing Gawker's Breach With Founder Nick Denton

  • Over time, cost pressure has led the IT organizations to consider open source for mission critical components such as database management systems (mySQL) or the operating system itself (Linux).

    FORBES: Four Questions (And Answers) About Open Source Software In Finance

  • As Sun's size lends legitimacy and the guarantee of long-term service to MySQL, the acquisition will likely convince more and larger enterprises to sign on to MySQL's cut-rate database systems, Yuhanna says.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • As Sun's (nasdaq: JAVA - news - people ) size lends legitimacy and the guarantee of long-term service to MySQL, the acquisition will likely convince more and larger enterprises to sign on to MySQL's cut-rate database systems, Yuhanna says.

    FORBES: Sun Snaps Up Database Firm, MySQL

  • "Schooner's MySQL and NoSQL solutions combined with the LSI WarpDrive card provide industry-leading performance for database and key-value stores, delivering over 9x performance throughput increase relative to hard drive configurations and over 3x performance throughput increase relative to alternative PCIe flash-based solutions, " said Dr. John Busch, founder and CTO, Schooner Information Technologies.

    ENGADGET: LSI's WarpDrive SSD is a steal at $11,500

  • Compared with those three goliaths, which provide database software to 86% of the enterprise software market, according to Forrester Research, MySQL offers a simpler and cheaper solution.

    FORBES: Sun Snaps Up Database Firm, MySQL

  • The most popular open source database (with more than four million users) is made by a company called MySQL, which has been venture-backed since 2001.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

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