Other education programmes include the nationwide Metrobank Math Challenge, thenational College Scholarship Programme and an educational grants programme to fund construction of school buildings, curriculum development, and teacher training, among others.
Exceptions apply if you receive funds under theNational Health Service Corps Scholarship Program or the Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship and Financial Assistance Program.
Harris earned a Bunbury scholarship to theNational Academy in 2005 and signed a professional contract for Glamorgan just nine days after his 16th birthday.
Gordon Wood. (Applause.) The 2010 National Humanities Medal to Gordon Wood for scholarship that provides insight into the founding of our nation and the drafting of the United States Constitution.
In all these events the claims of scholarship were always secondary to those of national or local pride, and national museums were usually reluctant to make loans.
The Director of theNational Science Foundation (metallurgist Arden L. Bement) shall establish a Federal Cyber Scholarship-for-Service program which will apply to 1, 000 students that will receive free-ride scholarships plus stipends and internships.
We must also eliminate barriers for those students who work hard to acquire STEM skills but lack the funds to attend four-year colleges by providing scholarship programs and support through organizations like NACME ( National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering), Society of Women Engineers (SWE), and Industry groups like the American Council of Engineering Companies.