Exploration preceded colonization, and colonization preceded trade, and that was the natural order of things.
As if a government bristling with arms was simply letting the natural order of things play out.
However, taking a long view, extinction has been part of the natural order of things throughout Earth's history.
The ratio has been so stable over time that it appears to be the natural order of things.
Many Indians may view the prominence of Ambanis, Birlas and Tatas as part of the natural order of things.
They create jobs that did not previously exist and solve problems that people assumed were part of the natural order of things.
I'm a metric guy, and it's just the natural order of things.
Should preserving the natural order of things be a goal in itself?
The firefighting of those days upset the natural order of things.
He told the inquiry that to lose a child was "totally against the natural order of things", and added that he had also lost a daughter.
Over the years, the crowd around my Thanksgiving table has thinned due to the natural order of things kids growing up and adults moving on.
But for many people this has involved an upending of the natural order of things, with young men with flip-charts wandering into proud firms and telling veteran managers what to do.
However he sees Japan's return to the top in 2012 as simply "going back to the natural order of things" after Asia's second largest economy was devastated by the 2011 quake and tsunami.
They had the same positive and negative human attributes, but the results of human profligacy were contained by the natural order of things, which transcended technological and political sophistication and even religious disposition.
Consequently, it has been taken for granted that the natural order of things is for QE2 to be ended, replaced, or modified well before the end of near-zero Federal Funds sometime late this year, next year, or the year after.
Their campaigns often pinpoint issues that involve a conflict between preserving the natural order of things and changing it either through new technology (such as genetic engineering) or through economic growth (leading, for example, to the increased use of cars).
Perhaps worse, there was a fatalism, cultivated assiduously by those opposed to public spending on ideological principle, that this was the natural order of things, that somehow there was a 'British disease' which meant we were culturally destined to have second-rate education and health and rising crime.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Politics | Full text: Blair on public services