And bags of rice and boxes of Cheerios that his mosque was collecting for the needy.
He has the advantage of being known for his concern for the poor and the needy.
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The extra revenue colleges retain by limiting bidding for students doesn't all go to the needy.
Predictably, he spoke about helping the needy, promoting individual responsibility, encouraging work, and tackling fraud.
This shouts that ObamaCare s architects seek dependency more than assisting the needy.
The new CBO report shows that government transfer programs have evolved past simply providing for the needy.
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Christy says it's been a big adjustment for a family that used to donate to the needy.
At others, active government is required to steady markets, help the needy or serve the public good.
"I'm a servant -- God brought me to serve the people, especially the needy children, " he says.
The second was to exploit information technology to identify the needy and make sure resources reached them.
First, the social safety net for the elderly, the needy, the disabled, and unemployed will be left intact.
She also co-founded a nonprofit group, Raising Malawi, to help educate and provide programs to help the needy.
But give the needy enough pull in the market, and the market will do most of the rest.
Therefore, private charity should be the major source of help for the needy.
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Promotional video The Islamic Charitable Society strives day and night to care and cater for orphans, and the needy.
Chinese leaders stress how hard they are trying to keep prices in check and to look after the needy.
In addition to that, it lets you communicate directly with the needy themselves.
When I talk to the needy sibling and I know his essential needs are taken care of, I feel relief.
It is not just about humanitarian aid for the needy, but also as a very powerful political and psychological tool.
Spending on food stamps has risen so quickly because, unusually, almost all the needy are automatically and indefinitely eligible for them.
Because people are in need, and the greedy must serve the needy.
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Larier is a physician who has traveled with Family Health Ministries on week-long visits to Haiti to provide the needy with healthcare.
Despite its name, Save Serbian Children has arranged shipment of supplies to the needy in a score of countries around the world.
Why do wealthy people give to the rich instead of the needy?
Their little effort can go a long way in helping the needy.
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But that is not the only federal nutrition program for the needy.
"Contrary to popular myth, the rent stabilization law is not targeted to help the needy, " the Harmons said in their Supreme Court petition.
Gathering donations via text messages would cut the Salvation Army's operating costs, and as a result would free up more money for the needy.
This project was founded specifically to help the needy children who lack basic necessities within the slums and Villages, particularly education, shelter, and food.
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Rearden is more explicit when his brother Phillip asks him if he cares at all about the needy that Phillips charity allegedly tries to assist.