While offshore cheating won't disappear, to be sure, and UBS will survive, the new message to taxpayers is that an offshore account "is not impregnable, " says Nathan J.
For the public, the new tactics are not interesting and the message they send is nothing new.
The message also highlighted SMSus, a new text message service from PhonepayPlus, the body which regulates services bought by phone.
Properly understood, this is the first presidential budget message of the new Republican Party.
Mr Blunkett said that the new system should send a message to the world that Britain is not open to abuse, and try to deter refugees at the notorious Sangatte camp near the French coast from risking the trip across.
It is still not yet certain that the conservatives' new middle-of-the-road message, with its stress on family values and creating new jobs, had been getting through.
Nothing had remained of that false moment of intimacy, in June 2009, when he had traveled to Cairo, the self-styled herald of a new American message to the Arab world.
Gemayel says that aside from the giveaway, Roche has a clear marketing message for the new treatment, which combats hepatitis C virus and the chronic liver disease it causes.
The new laws, combined with the disingenuous message ministers are sending about unnecessary red tape, will seriously damage the capacity of the planning system to protect our countryside and environment and deliver the right growth in the right locations.
The FDA's new message: just providing another option is no longer good enough.
The Poke app takes a page from the hot new app Snapchat, by having the message evaporate after 1, 3, 5, or 10 seconds.
By the numbers, the New Democracy Party and its nominally pro-growth, anti-austerity message has the best chance to form a new government.
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The new tax may send a definite message to wealthy citizens to redistribute their wealth to the rest of the Russian riff-raff.
But during the Afghan war there has been a new toughness in the Pentagon's message to countries that long for the prestige and influence that may come from fighting alongside America in high-tech, high-intensity warfare.
Ted Cruz stated later on the Senate floor, the twitterverse blew up -- further driving the message in both old and new media.
Other times, the product is a modification and spinning of an old product, with a new message, launched in the right place, as is the case with Nike Air Jordan Retro XI sneakers modeled after the 1996 originals designed for Michel Jordan when he played for Chicago Bulls.
There are about twenty English translations and paraphrases, including several popular translations and paraphrases that are copyrighted (the New Living Translation, for example, and The Message).
That's the message from a new set of data released Tuesday by the American Customer Satisfaction Index.
So the main message of the new study is: Doctors who use it need to be more skeptical about it.
Breaux said he still hoped it would gain enough support to send a strong bipartisan message about the new tone in Washington.
Perhaps even more importantly, they take the message out to new communities about the importance of family planning and proper maternal health care.
For Saakashvili, the new parliament sends a potent message to Moscow.
In many ways, the new company is spreading a message their belief that that doing one small positive thing has exponential potential to affect other lives.
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New Yorkers got the message: Leave your guns at home.
WSJ: William Daley and Roseanna Ander: Don't Take Your Guns to Town
" He also wrote in a message outlining the new details of the policy to the fleet that the tests will serve as a safety measure and raise awareness among commanding officers of a crew's "culture of alcohol use.
The notion of smooth normality will be the message that Hong Kong's new chief executive, Tung Chee-hwa, takes with him when he visits America on September 9th.
We should preempt the IMF and directly urge troubled countries like Brazil to adopt pro-growth policies--stable money, low taxes, property rights, ease in the setting up of new businesses--until the IMF gets the message.
"To be prepared is at the heart of the soldier's job, " he said in his annual New Year's message to the French armed forces.