Girl Three told the court about a night in November 2006 when she had been held in the Nanford Guest House in Oxford, the gang's favoured location for abuse, and Bassam Karrar had attacked her so badly she had thought she would die.
Granted he has his detractors in Ireland who maintain his style of football is too defensive, but anyone who previously thought that was all he had in his tactical locker was proven wrong on that night in November when the Irish took the game to France in ambitious style.
Across the Kattegat, in Denmark, late at night on November 7th, a gang of about 50 young people went on the rampage on Norrebrogade, a big shopping thoroughfare in a district of Copenhagen with a high concentration of immigrants.
She told the court that in the early hours of the 23 November, she returned home from a night out and he was not at her house.
Protesters streamed into the park on Tuesday night when authorities removed metal barricades erected in November.
Caroline's courage on the night of 13 November 2007 was remembered at a ceremony in Clogher on Wednesday.
The night of competing messages showed that despite Obama's election victory in November, hopes for a more pragmatic political climate appeared unrealistic.
CNN: State of the Union brings out more of the 'same old, same old'
Lincoln Crown Court heard Mills stabbed Mr Miller to death in the early hours of 6 November, after they got home from a Bonfire Night party at the nearby Kings Arms, where Mills worked.
Brown seemed to be warning in his victory speech Tuesday night that the anti-incumbent anger Obama rode into office could wind up blowing up in his face in November.
CNN: Obama's first year: Strong foundation or house of cards? also got a lot of attention at the U.S. computer trade show Comdex last November by dispatching 20 people to slip bumper stickers under hotel doors in the middle of the night.
November 2nd was the night when, for the first time, Republicans took control of the General Assembly in the Old Dominion.
The survey on 30 November questioned 127 people about how safe they felt in the city centre on a Friday or Saturday night, and what they could do to improve their own safety.
BBC: Late night revellers 'feel safe' on Gloucester's streets