The driver and four members of the bachelorette party got out, but the bride -- identified by a relative as 31-year-old Neriza Fojas -- and four others died in the burning limo Saturday night, the California Highway Patrol said.
In a memo on the file, dated 12 February, 1981, C Devenport, an NIO official, noted that during Question Time at Westminster, Rev Ian Paisley had asked the Secretary of State, Humphrey Atkins to confirm or deny that the Army patrol detailed to observe Tynan Abbey on the fatal night was 'being wined and dined in a well-known republican house in the area'.
Under his guidance, around 500 forest officials patrol the park day and night, keeping track of the tigers.
Do you say to that officer, 'Your priority is to get that work done' and they are not able to go out on patrol the Friday or Saturday night so you're down a person?
The limo was carrying nine women passengers and a male driver when it caught fire late Saturday night on the San Mateo bridge, California Highway Patrol officer Art Montiel told The Associated Press.
Shea is whooping it up with my father as 19-year-old phenom Dwight Gooden whiffs 12 Dodgers one night in 1984, the "K Corner" patrol in the left field upper deck acknowledging each one with a sign.
On the night of October 22, 1999, Dee worked routine patrol.
FORBES: Analysis Of 13-Year Mysterious Death Of Cape Fear Police Woman
You do your day's graft at work, and at night you go to bed and you're exhausted by the morning because all night you've just done a patrol or whatever.
Mr. VALDES: We do patrol there but we are attacked every day and every night by the gangs.
Japan's defense ministry said a submarine was spotted by a P-3C Maritime Self-Defense Force patrol aircraft Sunday night passing near Kume Island in Japan's Okinawa Prefecture in the East China Sea.
WSJ: Japan on Alert Over Submarines Near Its Territorial Waters
Those strong enough to go on will usually travel only at night, hiding by day under mesquite brush to avoid the sun and the spotter aircraft of the Border Patrol.
Police spokesman Joe Baeza says they introduced a scheme whereby motorists could register their car number plates into a police database and this empowered patrol cars to stop these cars if they were spotted late at night, to verify the owners.