Silhouetted against the night sky, it seems that this strange mountain has always fiercely guarded its secrets.
It takes the colony 20 minutes to complete the pass, while their deafening chirps engulf the night sky.
Solar eruptions trigger aurorae on Earth, filling the night sky at high latitudes with dancing lights.
While the glowing hall is pretty, it's hard to beat the lights in the night sky.
Monday while it was heading to the Bahamas, sending guests to the decks under the night sky.
Their beauty as they rose through the night sky made him cry about the end of things.
In these photos, you can see the city lights of Minneapolis and Chicago glittering against the night sky.
If you thought cloud writing was cool, then how about a message from space burnt into the night sky?
ENGADGET: Japan's LED-stacked cubesat will burn Morse code into the heavens
An inspiring writer and broadcaster, he gave me an interest in the night sky that has never left me.
Crystal clear, and colorful, even -- the typically harsh streetlamps mixed nicely with the night sky to yield this scene.
If you put me behind a telescope I would be hard pressed to find the night sky, let alone Venus.
They illuminated the piers and the masts so that they appear to be bright exclamation points lofted in the night sky.
WSJ: A Concrete Ribbon Through the Clouds | Millau Viaduct | Masterpiece by Joseph Giovannini
Councillor Robert Gould, from Dorset County Council, said some people welcomed "the darker skies and the ability to see the night sky".
It takes away the beauty of the night sky, often disturbs sleep patterns and can have a negative impact on our wildlife.
They are too bright, too sensitive and often badly angled, sending unwanted light into neighbouring windows and the night sky, say critics.
People in Northumberland could soon have better views of the night sky.
And when they aimed at Sirius they could see the dim white-dwarf which orbits what is the brightest star in the night sky.
The first Polynesian voyagers used indigenous scientific astronomical knowledge, harnessing the night sky and the environment to guide them across 162 million square kilometres of ocean.
An amateur video said to be shot early Sunday in the Damascus area showed a huge ball of fire lighting up the night sky.
He took the competitive, empirical drive with which Florentine painters had been looking at the world and used it to look at the night sky.
As 12, 500 fireworks lit up the night sky above the English capital during the 11-minute display, memorable clips from the Games and Jubilee played out.
In one of the most famous UFO "sightings" in U.S. history, Roswell residents in 1947 saw lights in the night sky, followed by a loud explosion.
Such is the fidelity of its representation of the night sky, says Volkmar Schorcht of Zeiss, that it is actually worth taking a pair of binoculars.
So as a consequence you only have to drive a little way to find a dark sky site and enjoy the splendour of the night sky.
The researchers have found, for example, that a single street lamp can affect the view of the night sky for an observer up to 200km away.
Its fiery colour and erratic movement across the night sky terrified the ancient Greeks and Romans, causing them to name the planet after their gods of war.
While the solar activity often produces a magnificent aurora in the night sky, it also can interfere with satellites, aviation radar, radio signals and other electronic equipment.
Seeing the phantom-like outline of the Dolomites against the night sky, it feels harder to sneer at stories of witches, sorcerers and secret gates to the underworld.
An Egyptian astronomer would have held up a plumb line and waited for the night sky to slowly pivot around the unmarked pole as the Earth rotated.