Meanwhile, the novelist treads a subtle line between reinforcing this old mindset and revealing its limitations.
Perhaps the novelist's most pleasurable task is to describe the instrument his character plays.
WSJ: Novelist Nicholas Christopher on Writing About Music | Word Craft
They included the director of the British Museum Neil MacGregor, the novelist Anita Brookner and the critic Brian Sewell...
The concept of Teens and Toddlers was invented by Laura Huxley, widow of the novelist Aldous Huxley.
Voted into the academy's core membership were the novelist Ward Just, known for his stories set in Washington, D.
Voiceover is such a literal way of reproducing the novelist's own language that most film makers now avoid it.
Poor Joyce, played behind thick glasses by Dermot Crowley so as to indicate the novelist's dwindling eyesight, gets it even worse.
The novelist worked neither to correct nor to condone, and not at all to comfort, but to make what's told alive.
The novelist is able to go where the historian and biographer cannot, imagining what it might have been like to be Cromwell.
Bids came in from current Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie and the novelist Tom Clancy, but Kraft held the ace: the stadium's operating covenant.
Previously visitors to the novelist's former home at Max Gate in Dorchester could only see the hall, dining room, drawing room and garden.
Mr Crick's best work has involved unmasking villains such as Jeffrey Archer, the novelist and Tory politician, who is now in prison for perjury.
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But there is also joy in the natural and easy access that the novelist seems to have to the recollected stories and pungencies of childhood.
The novelist John Buchan ("The 39 Steps") explained why in 1940.
The novelist accentuates the carnivalesque in daily Zagreb life, which includes Toni's life with his aspiring actress girlfriend, Sanja, and their rambunctious writer, artist and theater crowd.
Written and directed by the novelist Philippe Claudel, the movie asks whether anyone who has done something so extreme can be welcomed back into the human community.
The poet Ian Sinclair, in the 1970s, and the novelist-historian Peter Ackroyd, in the 1980s, wrote works that cast the architect as a secret pagan, indeed a Satanist.
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In one case, Friedman removed from the spine of the novelist Reynolds Price a tumor initially diagnosed as inoperable, but that was eventually made reachable through new technology.
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Nor does he credit claims that the novelist is a true intellectual or thinker, seeing him rather as a protean artist to whom ideas are vital expressive material.
Declan Kiely, curator and head of the literary and historical manuscripts department at the Morgan, agrees, adding that "The Watsons" has been critical to our understanding of the novelist.
WSJ: Pages From Jane Austen's The Watsons at Sotheby's | Backstory
The novelist who introduces a character by way of occupation, rather than simply as a person, runs the risk of being unable to make the character compelling to readers.
WSJ: Word Craft: Ben Schrank, Author of Love Is a Canoe, on Bosses
The light Ms Tomalin casts on her subject is strong but oblique: the profile of the novelist appearssurrounded by her friends and neighbours and by her energetic and beloved family.
The novelist herself felt her work languished in America because she wasn't around to promote it she moved to Italy in 1963, and remained in Europe the rest of her life.
ABSTRACT:A CRITIC AT LARGE about the novelist Georges Simenon.
The novelist, critic, and essayist has a new book out called Reading Like a Writer, and joins us to answer the question that haunts every frustrated genius: can creative writing be taught?
With early roots in his 30-year association with the novelist and philosopher Ayn Rand, that faith grew into an unconstrained confidence in the free market and deregulation to steer the economy and ward off crises.
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Fitzgerald was the novelist who most thrillingly and accurately captured the roar of the 1920s, the "great gaudy spree" that witnessed the most overwhelming economic boom in U.S. history, a time when money and bathtub gin flowed like water.
WSJ: The F. Scott Fitzgerald Songbook | Great Gatsby | By Will Friedwald
Roosevelt, New York mayor Fiorello La Guardia, United Mine Workers president John L. Lewis, and the novelist Pearl Buck, who'd won the Nobel Prize in 1938 and whose picture he copied from the jacket of one of her bestsellers.
"The moment the fiction writer, the novelist, the storyteller, the poet starts to think that 'I am writing to persuade, I am writing propaganda' then this is a tremendously bad thing for whatever talent you have, " she tells CNN.