Despite this, the number of collisions has dropped from 14 in 2009 to seven last year.
Ethernet was based on the concept of managing collisions between data packets and ten times the number of collisions would be unmanageable.
The number of collisions decreased at Studley Green on the A40 near Beacons Bottom, but other trial data showed that lighting was still needed there.
With up to 70% of crashes in the UK caused by driver or rider error, these measures are widely expected to help reduce the number of collisions.
He says there is a short window of opportunity to get on top of the issue before the number of collisions starts to increase and the problems associated with junk and debris begin to cascade.
For the cumulative number of catastrophic collisions over the period, the range went from just over 20 to just under 40.
Since even a small mission to an asteroid costs hundreds of millions of dollars, this is not an easy choice, especially considering the growing number of potential collisions that a more detailed survey will probably uncover.
ECONOMIST: The American Association for the Advancement of Science
Simply multiply the number of plays and collisions and it is possible that a player will retire from football with 10, 000 or more low-level concussive hits.
At four of the sites the number of accidents increased, although on average injury collisions fell by 26%.
North Wales Police will also be using the campaign to reinforce Operation Sodium - a campaign which launched during the summer in response to the growing number of young people involved in collisions linked to drink or drug driving, particularly in rural areas.
"Collisions with ships are the number one cause of mortality, and entanglement in fishing gear is the number two cause, " Lecky said.
"There were a small number of extra car-to-car collisions in one area, but the reporting period was very short, and the numbers very small, " the council said in a statement.