Les Ebdon had been put forward by ministers as their preference for director of the Office for Fair Access.
This is 10% greater than the level of support expected at English universities by the Office for Fair Access (OFFA).
Professor Les Ebdon, the new head of the Office for Fair Access (Offa), has urged universities to set themselves "challenging" admissions targets.
And the conference also heard about measures to maintain access to the UK's universities, from Les Ebdon, director of the Office for Fair Access.
The university was named with Plymouth College of Art among colleges which failed to meet targets in figures from the Office for Fair Access (Offa).
MPs on the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee opposed Prof Ebdon's appointment to the Office for Fair Access (Offa), but Mr Cable rejected their attempts to block him.
He accused Prof Les Ebdon, director of the Office for Fair Access (Offa) and Alan Milburn, the government's social mobility tsar, of "standing firmly in favour of manipulation".
Prof Les Ebdon, director of the Office for Fair Access to Higher Education (Offa), said the body's new guidance to universities would emphasise the importance of "sustained, targeted outreach".
Supported by Vince Cable, the Liberal Democrat business secretary who is responsible for higher education, the Office for Fair Access, a regulator, wants a portion of the higher fees to be diverted to outreach efforts.
These agreements are be reviewed and approved by the Office For Fair Access (Offa) each year, with institutions that fail to meet their agreed targets on recruitment and retention facing fines or losing the right to charge higher fees.
At question time on 31 March 2011, Mr Cable emphasised that institutions would need to sign an agreement with the Office for Fair Access before being allowed to set fee limits under the new funding arrangements, which begin in 2012.