The official language is Portuguese, after settlers first arrived in Mozambique in the 15th century.
While Catholic services today are celebrated in local languages, Latin remains the official language of the Roman Catholic church.
CNN: Reporter first on pope story, thanks to her Latin skills
These expressions may sound important--and like the official language of a club you'd like to join--but they make no sense.
There is no harm in declaring English the official language, but there is immense damage and lost opportunity if it is the only language.
The official language of the state shall be the Malay language and shall be in such script as may by written law be provided.
The founding fathers considered, though briefly, making Greek the official language.
Arizona voters approved four separate measures that revealed their frustration with the endless influx of illegal aliens into that state, including one measure that makes English the official language of Arizona.
But while upholding Arabic as the official language, the declaration stated that Libya's other languages "shall be deemed national ones" -- falling short of the level of recognition sought by Berber activists.
One of Ghosn's first moves at Nissan was a shocker: He decreed that English, not Japanese, would be the official language of the Tokyo company, and he made it known that managers who learned English would advance faster than those who spoke only Japanese.
The new measure aims to strengthen the position of the Welsh language and will confirm the official status of the language.
Earlier, lawmakers had debated and rejected an amendment to the bill that would have designated English as the "official language" of the United States, seen as a likely setback to chances for Spanish-speaking Puerto Rico to become the 51st state.
Khmer is the official national language and spoken by more than 95% of the population.
Some 60 of the top 100 managers are foreigners, and the official company language is English.
He speaks the official national language, French, poorly and the unofficial one, Lingala, not at all.
Gimmicks such as declaring English to be the official Hoechst language have worn thin.
He bragged that Robbins Air Force Base had made it through the latest round of realignments and closures, and attacked Mr Martin for a 1995 vote against making English the official state language.
He is the youngest member of the French Academy, the official guardian of the language of Voltaire and Flaubert.
Gwilym Tudur was one of the protesters who sat in the middle of the road on Trefechan bridge on 2 February, 1963, to raise awareness about the lack of official status for the Welsh language at the time.
He has proposed giving the Russian language official status in the whole republic, along with Romanian, the tongue of the majority.
Approximately 25 percent of immigrants come from countries where English is the dominant or official language, and another 20 percent come from Spanish-speaking countries.
He supports a ban on same-sex marriage, laws restricting abortion except in cases involving rape, incest or a threat to the life of the mother, and legislation that would make English the country's official language.
Legislation to guarantee bilingual services and the establishment of a language commissioner had helped secure the official status of Welsh, he said.
The launch of Turkey's first official Kurdish-language television channel in January and the government's calls for the establishment of Kurdish literature departments at state universities have raised hopes of more reforms.
"There is an official language in the middle of all this... and it's a good idea to learn it, " Mr Hodgkinson insisted.
"Catalan could become an official language of the European Union, " he says.
Other constitutional changes expand the official use of the Albanian language and set a minimum of minority votes needed to pass laws in parliament.
An official version in the English language shall be provided of anything which, by this Constitution, or by any written law, or by the Standing Orders, is required to be printed or in writing, and such version shall, in addition to the official Malay version, be accepted as an authentic text.
How would it be possible, considering that the Obama administration has scrubbed its official language clean of any unflattering reference whatsoever to Islam and will brook no criticism of it?