In these, as in the forests of the Old World, destruction was perpetually going on.
The European Central Bank is duplicating this trick in the other part of the Old World.
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Those who left the old world were looking for a new way of living.
His voyages opened up large-scale trade links between the Old World and the New.
Now the cold war is over the old world has not changed quickly enough.
As such, total private wealth in the Old World actually contracted by .9% last year.
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Perhaps we should think of South African wines in the context of Europe and the Old World.
Similarly, the Michigan economy is locked into the Old World era of union labor and high taxes.
Marketing its wares straight to consumers is old hat for HTC in the Old World, but stateside?
The Pilgrim Fathers hoped for an earthly paradise without the sin and selfishness of the Old World.
William Penn (1644-1718) made major contributions to liberty in both the New World and the Old World.
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The working-class folk led a rowdy lifestyle on the waterfront, chipping away at the Old World charm in the hills.
While most people assume amusement parks are an American invention, their roots are in fact grounded in the Old World.
The new world of social media may be a lot like the old world, if not more so.
In the Old World, a decision by a group of Leiden Separatists put them on a circuitous journey.
New-World Jews, they seem to say, must partially rebuild the barriers behind which the old world confined them.
The old world of polarized opinion and the new world of pervasive sentiments.
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Back in the Old World, in the 19th century, modern technology gave Europeans a huge advantage over their neighbors.
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We mentioned the Western Hemisphere above, but we would like to start somewhere unexpected - the Old World shetls of Eastern Europe.
Demography provides less of a boost to demand in the old world, too.
" As we colonize the solar system, predicts George Yeo, Singapore's trade minister, "Planet Earth will become the Old World.
The rapid economic growth of China and India and the increased demand on natural resources skewed the old world order.
That might not matter in the old world, but in an investing environment flush with venture cash, every advantage counts.
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The old world of houses, rooms, trees, and streets shimmers, wavers, and tears away, revealing another universe as startling as fire.
Downton Abbey is what George Gilder would call the entropic disruption to the background noise of revolt against the old world.
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Around 1602, Captain Bartholomew Gosnold , the first of the Old World explorers, laid eyes on the area now known as Hyannis.
This future may well come to Sao Paulo sooner than most cities as a result of their clearing of the old world media.
The only performer from the old world, Snoop Dog (now Snoop Lion) was joined on stage by YouTube performers from across the spectrum.
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"Both their management is living in the Old World but thinking in the New World, and that's what attracted them to us, " Day says.
Throughout Britain, the first global Thanksgiving gave men and women from the New World and the Old World a much-needed feeling of spiritual solidarity.