The collaboration came about after Boyle sent Smith a text message after the Olympic opening ceremony last July.
The first live Super Hi-Vision broadcast for public consumption was of the Olympic opening ceremony in London last week.
ENGADGET: BBC shows off 33-megapixel Super Hi-Vision Olympic footage, we ask: why?
More than 24 million people watched the Olympic opening ceremony as it was broadcast live on BBC One on 27 July.
One name missing from the list is film and theatre director Danny Boyle, whose artistic vision was so spectacularly realised in the Olympic opening ceremony.
The famous Maracana football stadium, one of the largest in the world, is undergoing a total renovation expected to be completed in 2013 before it hosts the World Cup kick off in June 2014 and the Olympic opening ceremony in August 2016.
Danny Boyle, the Oscar-winning director -- and east London resident -- best known for hit movies " Trainspotting" and " Slumdog Millionaire" was the man responsible for the Olympic opening ceremony, the show that televisions around the world were tuned in to at the start of London's long-awaited Games.
As the dramatic spectacle of the Olympic Games opening ceremony in London unfolded Friday night, organizers estimated a billion people around the world would be glued to their television sets to see it, either live or delayed by a few hours.
CNN: Showtime: London stages vibrant Olympic opening ceremony
Sir Simon appeared at the London 2012 Olympic opening ceremony when he and the London Symphony Orchestra were upstaged by Mr Bean while playing Chariots of Fire.
The torch is then taken to the Olympic Stadium for the opening ceremony on 29 August.
Because of his prior career as a world-class track rider, Wiggins has seven Olympic medals total, the most in U.K. history, surpassing the six won by the rower Sir Steven Redgrave, who carried the Olympic torch into the opening ceremony last week.
WSJ: 2012 London Olympics: Bradley Wiggins: The Reluctant King of Cycling - Jason Gay
In exactly a year, the best athletes from around the globe will gather at London's Olympic Park for the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games.
At the end of the month, Danny Boyle's Olympic opening ceremony is honoured at the London Evening Standard Theatre Awards.
The relay will start in Land's End and finish at the Olympic Stadium's Opening Ceremony on 27 July.
The relay runs from 19 May to 27 July 2012, with the torch travelling about 8, 000 miles, culminating in the lighting of the cauldron at the Olympic Stadium in Stratford at the Games' opening ceremony.
Commuters have been warned they could face heavy congestion with the arrival of the Paralympic Games Torch Relay in London and the opening ceremony at the Olympic Park on 29 August.
The Olympic torch did not burn properly during the opening ceremony, an ice-making machine broke down as did several buses, and unseasonably mild weather caused events to be postponed.
Few in that country can forget the impressive sight of Li Ning, himself in a track suit of his own design, being hoisted up at the Bird Nest stadium to light the torch during the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
Legacy officials are working on ambitious plans to reopen the 2012 Olympic Stadium to mark the first anniversary of the opening ceremony.
The torch visits the four nations of the UK before being taken to the Olympic Stadium in Stratford on 27 July for the opening ceremony of the Games.
The 2012 Summer Olympic Games' opening ceremony will take place on July 27.
This speculates on the contents of Danny Boyle's 2012 Olympic opening ceremony, which to my knowledge is not wholly wide of the mark.
The official opening ceremony at the Olympic Stadium in London will be on Friday, 27 July, 2012.
America's George Bush and France's Nicolas Sarkozy confirmed they would attend the opening ceremony of the Olympic games in Beijing .
He appeared by her side at the opening ceremony for the Olympic Games at the end of July and accompanied her on a visit to the Olympic Park as the events got under way.
On Friday, the three-time heavyweight champion, whose name became synonymous with the phrases "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee" and "I am the Greatest, " made another memorable appearance late Friday during a spectacular opening ceremony ushering in the 2012 Summer Olympic Games in London.
Li Guilian runs Dayang Trands, a Chinese clothing company that is manufacturing the U.S. Olympic uniforms that the American team will be wearing at the opening ceremony in London on Friday.
FORBES: Chinese Clothing Multimillionaire Puzzled By Outrage Over U.S. Olympic Uniforms
It also featured in the opening ceremony for the London Olympic Games.
The anniversary of London 2012's opening ceremony will be marked with an "urban fete" at the Olympic Park.
Olympic gold medal cyclist Dani King performed the opening ceremony.
BBC: Olympic cyclist Dani King opens Hockley Viaduct bike route
The opening ceremony drew 11m British viewers (the Olympic one got 27m).