• The oncologist noted wryly how much easier it would have been for her just to prescribe the chemotherapy.

    NEWYORKER: Letting Go

  • "This makes the oncologist's job harder, because it lengthens that discussion, " she says.

    FORBES: AstraZeneca Receives Crucial Approval

  • Dr. Lisa Carey, the oncologist treating Edwards, categorized the cancer as metastatic Stage 4 cancer, which is largely confined to the bones.

    CNN: Edwards: Wife's cancer returns, campaign goes on

  • The oncologist next met with the young man together with his family.

    NEWYORKER: Letting Go

  • First, the oncologist said, she had a discussion with him alone.

    NEWYORKER: Letting Go

  • Partridge also notes that new therapies spring up in small pockets of the U.S., and if a therapy is not available in the city where the patient is being treated, it may not be considered a viable option by the oncologist.

    CNN: Cancer survivor's own fat gives her new breasts

  • While it is too soon to tell whether it works, the oncologist leading the effort, Michael Jensen at City of Hope National Medical Center near Los Angeles, is so hopeful that he aims to test similar treatments within a year in children with leukemia and glioma, an aggressive brain tumor.

    FORBES: Do-It-Yourselfer

  • Partridge says there have been several new reconstructive breast therapies developed over the past several years, and though she agrees patients should be informed of them, she says in some cases if the patient doesn't bring it up, the oncologist may wait to have this discussion, especially when radiation treatment is needed.

    CNN: Cancer survivor's own fat gives her new breasts

  • One of the first calls Bob Longo, a former sales chief for the failed computer company Jobs founded called NeXT Computer, made after getting diagnosed with cancer was to Jobs. (They shared the same oncologist and radiologist.) The pair kept in touch, Longo recalled to the Pittsburgh Business Times, and Longo received an exuberant e-mail from Jobs after telling him the news that Longo's surgery was successful.

    CNN: Mark Milian,

  • As with the first oncologist, this doctor, Maha Hussain, sat on a committee of outside experts convened to advise the FDA on the drug.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • In a postscript, the Oxford researchers point a finger at Dingell, referencing the Congressman's role in a scandal more than a decade ago that resulted in the ouster of oncologist Bernard Fisher from the University of Pittsburgh after an allegedly fraudulent result.

    FORBES: The Vytorin Saga

  • And several professional organizations have petitioned Medicare to change its mind including the American Society of Clinical Oncologist and the American Society of Hematologist.

    NPR: Doctors in Medicare Fight Over Right to Prescribe

  • Under the microscope "it looks like a small bomb went off in the nucleus, " says George Demetri, an oncologist at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston.


  • "You get a broad range from hoaxes, charlatans and self-centered megalomaniacs to extraordinary altruism and everything in the middle, " says George Demetri, an oncologist at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Mass.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The MPTS imposed the restrictions following a complaint against Dr Mannings by an oncologist at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital.

    BBC: Dr Henry Mannings' cancer patients drugs ban lifted

  • The team, led by oncologist Dr Lori Pierce, looked at 71 women with either of the gene mutations, and compared them to 213 women who had had similar diagnoses, surgical procedures and other treatments.

    BBC: Breast gene radiation fears eased

  • In the battle against breast cancer, Indiana University oncologist Kathy Miller has taken the lead.


  • The immune system is "phenomenally complicated, " says oncologist Jeffrey Weber of the H.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The team, led by radiation oncologist Benjamin Smith, said that was nearly double the 2.2% of women who received whole-breast irradiation.

    WSJ: New Scrutiny for Popular Breast-Cancer Treatment

  • The always incisive David Gorski, an oncologist, takes a detailed look at the data for Avastin in breast cancer.

    FORBES: Bedbugs, Avastin, And A Fight At the FDA

  • Armstrong is a medical oncologist at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center in Baltimore.

    NPR: Breast-Cancer Drop Attributed to Less Hormone Therapy

  • Eight of the strongest studies came from the same researcher: oncologist Dr. Lennart Hardell in Sweden.

    CNN: Study fails to end debate on cancer, cell phone link

  • "It really got caught up in technicalities, " says Howard Burris III, an oncologist at the Sarah Cannon Cancer Center in Nashville.

    FORBES: How The FDA Tripped Bristol-Myers Squibb

  • They were replaced by two people, one an oncologist, the other a linguist, both entirely untutored in the rough game of Italian politics.

    ECONOMIST: Italy��s edgy new government

  • "I keep telling them that they need to think more like a biotech, " says George Demetri , an oncologist at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

    FORBES: Pfizer Takes Cancer By Storm

  • In September 1999 Daniel Sullivan Daniel Sullivan , an oncologist at the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, gave the latter chemical to a patient with kidney cancer.

    FORBES: Taxol's Next Stand

  • Nor did it follow them for five years or more, according to Eric Winer, an oncologist at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute who led the study.

    FORBES: Searching For An Heir To Tamoxifen

  • But Archie Bleyer, a paediatric oncologist at the M.

    ECONOMIST: Children and cancer

  • Hamish Wallace, a paediatric oncologist at the University of Edinburgh, and Thomas Kelsey, a computer scientist at the University of St Andrews, both in Scotland, may be able to help.

    ECONOMIST: Predicting the menopause

  • "I am not aware of any other non-hormonal treatment that has been studied that is as effective" as venlafaxine, said Dr. Charles Loprinzi, an oncologist at the clinic and principal investigator of a study on the drug.

    CNN: Health - Anti-depressant counters hot flashes from menopause, chemotherapy

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