Nordby meets occasionally with The Onion's writers to brainstorm ideas for boxes and promotional text.
"The site reminds me of The Onion in its early days, " Mr. Dikkers says.
Kosuga and his pal were momentarily enriched, while the onion trade was left in shambles.
So were the onion rings and the mud pie the waitress insisted we order.
The Onion has put its writers through a lot in the last couple years.
The Onion has a history of its reports being picked up by news outlets.
BBC: Iran's Fars agency sorry for running the Onion spoof story
In 2006, when The Onion launched its online store, Nordby's GotchaBoxes were among the first products sold.
YouTube's channel partners include Howcast, World Wrestling Entertainment, The Onion and Machinima -- a network for gamers.
Soaking the onion slices in ice water, Mr. Schwartz says, keeps them firm and mellows their bite.
WSJ: Michael Schwartz's Striped Bass with Grapefruit and Pickled Radish
The Onion, Slate, and the Wall Street Journal are also creating channels, as are Hearst and Meredith.
The Onion had to remove this story from its late editions after the facts caught up with it.
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Amid such chaos, the Onion is a grizzled old prospector, having staked its virtual territory back in 1996.
As most of you know The Onion is a satirical, fake news source that prints often-hilarious fake news reports.
Every time we peel a layer, the onion seems to be getting bigger.
"Abdullah tried all these tricks, he resigned and this and that to come into power, " the onion trader said.
Current writing credits include the pop culture site, The Onion AV Club, and
As the Onion summarized it, gridlock has become an end in itself.
Then to make the stuffing fry the onion in a little water, drain and add breadcrumbs and chopped sage.
After blanching, the roughly chopped cauliflower florets cook down in the onion-anchovy mixture.
WSJ: April Bloomfield's Orecchiette with Cauliflower and Anchovy | Slow Food Fast
And earlier this month, the Twitter account of news parody site The Onion became another target for the Syrian hackers.
So is the onion and anchovy tart, pissaladiere, at the takeout shop Sur le Pouce on Rue St Francois nearby.
Toss in the chard stems and the onion, turn the heat up to medium-high, and stir-fry for about 5 minutes.
Skyscrapers have sprouted all over the city's skyline, challenging the onion-domed cathedrals and Stalin's imposing "Seven Sisters" towers for aerial dominance.
After the tweet was up for about an hour, The Onion deleted it, but it was clear the damage was already done.
Among the handful of reviewers who got an advance look: The Onion.
The Onion, which ran its Sexiest Man Alive piece earlier in the month, had an update to its article on Tuesday.
BBC: China paper carries Onion Kim Jong-un 'heart-throb' spoof
But Kosuga's eagerness to control the onion market was the real deal.
The Onion, on the other hand, could hardly contain its glee.
FORBES: Iran's Fars News Agency Picks Up Bogus Obama Story from The Onion
"That, too, " Stamberg said, "and the onion doesn't help that much, either!"