The first to get his retaliation in was John Murray, of the Open University, in Britain.
Prof Mariana Mazzucato, an evolutionary economist at the Open University, says the consumer experts misread human nature.
Dr McConway, of the Open University, studied the original survey data Unicef used to compile its report.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | England has 'unhappiest children'
Neither the two teacher training colleges, St Mary's and Stranmillis, nor the Open University will lose any places.
BBC: PGCE places cut by 20% in Northern Ireland universities
Other courses will look at various subjects you can study and other ways of studying including the Open University.
This experiment was part of a series on openness we have been making in association with the Open University.
There have also been developments in the UK's fledgling online university platform, Futurelearn, announced by the Open University last year.
Ms Dickenson travelled to the Zambian capital Lusaka earlier in August after completing an international development degree with the Open University.
Greg Paszynski ( Green) is a student with the Open University who wants to end the town's reliance on the car.
"We will therefore remove the barriers to more provision from the Open University, further education colleges and private providers, " he told MPs.
Teacher training places are provided at eight universities - Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Stirling, Strathclyde, West of Scotland and the Open University.
The FutureLearn partnership includes the Open University, King's College London, Bristol, Exeter, Warwick, East Anglia, Leeds, Lancaster, Southampton, Cardiff, Birmingham and St Andrews.
The announcement from the FutureLearn project sees the first major challenge from the UK, headed by the Open University, which has pioneered distance learning.
In addition, he brought in the Open University, kept Britain out of the Vietnam War and won four general elections between 1964 and 74.
The social scientist Dr Joe Smith, co-author of the Open University's climate change textbook, thinks the way climate science is conducted should be reappraised.
In the UK, the Futurelearn consortium of 18 institutions, headed by the Open University, has announced plans to offer online courses from later this year.
Daniel Nettle, of the Open University in Britain, has done so.
But as I said in my speech to the Open University, to get real accountability we need to draw upon traditional means as well as modern.
The project has received funding from Queen's University, the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council - the UK's strategic science investment agency - and the Open University.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Scientists seek unknown planets
Mark Brandon, a polar oceanographer at the Open University who specialises in public understanding of science, compiled his own account of recent communication on the Arctic.
Martin Bean, the Open University's vice chancellor and head of the Futurelearn project, has joined Prime Minister David Cameron's delegation to India, which has been trying to promote UK universities.
Martin Bean, the Open University's vice-chancellor, said that the arrival of online courses meant that UK universities could either "stick their heads in the sand" or rise to the international challenge.
However, the Open University said if the focus is on the OU in Scotland, rather than the OU as a UK-wide institution, it is the top Scottish performer with a 94% approval rating.
BBC: Heriot-Watt University: Scottish University of the Year
But, observes Colin Pillinger of the Open University, a British member of the Flying Stones team, the experiment will cost almost nothing to carry out, so it is worth a try in any case.
Leading universities including Duke, Yale, Cambridge, MIT and Oxford continue to extend their reach by enrolling more than 100, 000 students in single iTunes U courses, with Stanford University and The Open University each surpassing 60 million content downloads.
ENGADGET: iTunes U content downloads pass the one billion mark
But Prof David Elliott, co-director of the Energy and Environment Research Unit at the Open University, said a single barrage was "pretty hopeless" in energy provision terms as it would only produce power in two bursts during a 24-hour period.
The interdisciplinary centre will bring together expertise from social sciences, the arts, humanities, information science and other relevant fields and is the result of a joint collaboration between the University of Stirling, the Open University and the University of Edinburgh.
I've made a TV series, with help from the Open University, about three economic thinkers from the past who have something interesting to tell us about the financial crisis and how to get past it: Friedrich Hayek, Karl Marx and, tonight, Keynes.
The EST report, which was compiled in association with the Open University, concluded that the simplest designs often delivered the highest efficiencies, but it did say that further studies were required on an installation-by-installation basis in order to learn more about what needs to be done in the future.