"Workers with little to no experience are overlooked in China, but we find they're like sponges, absorbing quickly and willingly, " says Anthony Ross, general manager of The Opposite House, Swire's boutique hotel in Beijing.
At the same time, the house opposite his relatives in Little Havana shows a huge picture of the child in the sea, grasping an inner tube, surrounded by porpoises protecting him from the terrors of the deep, with the Virgin Mary behind him and the hand of God stretching down in protection.
This time, it was the GOP that was reaping the benefits of having an unpopular incumbent of the opposite party in the White House.
He also faced questions over the decision to sell the Langham building, opposite Broadcasting House, and build a new centre at White City.
The opposite is true for Senate or House races, or races for governor or parks commissioner, of course.
Under EEJ-Net, a UK consumer who, for example, had a claim against a trader in another EU member state would be able to approach the UK clearing house, which would obtain information from its opposite number in the other country about any suitable out of court scheme operating there.
It was transmitted to the White House on 2 August 1993 with the cover letter on the opposite page.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Case Against the Halperin Nomination �� White Paper
Another company might find the opposite is true, depending on in-house talent and available space, among other factors.
And there are some House Democrats who would prefer just the opposite approach -- a comprehensive bill, one vote, one package to concentrate the mind of the American public and to achieve a better legislative result.
The man was found dead with horrific injuries directly opposite her house in Portman Avenue.
At home, Ms. Lam and her husband, Steven Bourne, tried to do the opposite, buying and renovating a traditional "lilong" house that was built in 1936, when Shanghai's financial and artistic influence was at its peak.
WSJ: Luxury Real Estate: Embracing Old Shanghai in a French Concession Lilong
The House of Representatives' energy bill is the mirror opposite.
As a result, some advisors and customers have taken the opposite position and will not buy or offer their in-house funds at all in order to avoid any nuance of indiscretion.
And what we saw instead was the opposite of what was predicted and promised by Republican leaders, including the current Speaker of the House.