But the overwhelming majority of people will not be affected apart from perhaps psychologically.
Meanwhile, the overwhelming majority of people still live in specific places and depend on local and national governments for social benefits, beginning with items as basic as stable currencies.
In India, where the overwhelming majority of people are engaged in back-breaking farming, it is little wonder that they are more physically active than their counterparts in more prosperous countries.
As the overwhelming majority of people in most countries say they would donate a family member's organs if they were faced with the choice, I would expect donation rates to soar.
Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness said he believed the overwhelming majority of people in the north of Ireland and throughout the island of Ireland were fully behind the agreements that had been made.
"I am perfectly certain that were we to vote to keep Section 28, the House of Lords would once again be speaking for the overwhelming majority of the British people, " she said.
For the overwhelming majority of French people and politicians, Mr Bruguiere is a hero.
And what they've found is that the overwhelming majority of these people, these very, very hardcore cases, will respond.
Our correspondent says that the overwhelming majority of displaced people either live in government buildings or schools, or are being looked after by what are called "host families" in Swabi and Mardan.
We do not expect other nations to agree with us on every issue, nor do we assume that the violence of the past weeks or the hateful speech by some individuals represent the views of the overwhelming majority of Muslims, any more than the views of the people who produced this video represents those of Americans.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President to the UN General Assembly
The overwhelming majority of the American people -- Democrats and Republicans, as well as independents -- have the same view.
And I think it is absolutely important now for the overwhelming majority of the American people to hang on to that thing that is best in us, a belief in religious tolerance, clarity about who our enemies are -- our enemies are al Qaeda and their allies who are trying to kill us, but have killed more Muslims than just about anybody on Earth.
So to the overwhelming majority of the moderate Turkish people on the street, they feel that this debate was fabricated.
It was paid for, and it was supported by an overwhelming majority of the American people.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Housing and the Economy
For the vast majority of people, work will be the overwhelming source of their wealth.
And it was supported by an overwhelming majority of the American people.
"The history of supergrass trials is that the overwhelming majority, if not all of them, have always put in the witness box people of poor credibility, " he said.
BBC: Mark Haddock UVF supergrass trial cost taxpayers ?11.5m
"We know that these people act in the name of Islam, but we also know that the vast and overwhelming majority of Muslims here and abroad are decent, law abiding people, " he said.
"I want to say for the record that I believe that the overwhelming majority of politicians in Illinois and outside are honest, hardworking people in both political parties, " he said.
We have to help work with the overwhelming majority of Muslims who reject senseless violence of this sort, and to work to provide different pathways and different alternatives for people expressing whatever policy differences that they may have.