As we are in the thick of the Passover and Easter holidays, our quotes this time are of a spiritual nature.
On the Passover holiday, he invited TV crews to videotape families in the government complex as they feasted on lamb he had ordered.
Now, they hope to vote on a budget over the weekend, or next week, which conflicts with the Passover-Easter break of the Legislature.
They are deemed usable during the Passover holiday, though not kosher for human consumption, and have the endorsement of the venerable Chicago Rabbinical Council.
WSJ: As Passover Nears, These Rabbis Are Getting Out Their Blowtorches
Citing concerns about the early Passover and Easter holidays this year, the governor and legislative leaders had originally intended to complete voting on the budget in mid-to-late March.
Citing concerns about the early Passover and Easter holidays this year, the governor and legislative leaders had originally intended to complete voting on the budget in mid- to late March.
The rites of Passover, and the traditions of Easter, have been marked by people in every corner of the planet for thousands of years.
To that end, we held a Seder here to mark the first Passover.
Taking their seats at an Agape Restaurant, guests would find in front of them guidebooks reminiscent of the Haggadah (the text followed at a Passover Seder) or the Missal, laying out the rules for how to behave at the meal.
Today, the Jewish people begin their week-long celebration of Passover, the Jewish festival of freedom.
The President called the Israeli Prime Minister today to convey his best wishes before the start of Passover.
The Democratic senators vowed at a news conference Thursday to use "all of our procedural and parliamentary options" beginning with a challenge to the usually routine vote to adjourn for the Easter-Passover recess.
As the eight days of Passover begin tonight, we reached out to eight Jewish chefs around the country to share their own thoughts, menus and recipes for a healthy, satisfying Seder.
Dinner, which took place at Skylight West in Chelsea, didn't include anything that was particularly against the nutritional laws of Passover.
It was the first night of Passover on Monday, which means that for many New Yorkers, their night out involved going to a Seder, i.e.
He, Leila and his sister, who also lives in New York, boarded a train to Connecticut in mid-April to spend Passover with the Brier parents.
Some swapped matzoh for the pink lines as Passover got under way, or added frowny Internet star Grumpy Cat, who explained marriage equality would make her happy.
One of the magazine's editors, Andrew Leland, introduced the reading with a nod to a potential calendar conflict: "The Believer is an Orthodox Jewish magazine, so thank you all for making it here on the first night of Passover!"
His two cats, Ashley and Coco, don't like Passover because of the limited diet.
WSJ: As Passover Nears, These Rabbis Are Getting Out Their Blowtorches
Elite Dimensions Passover Tours at the Doubletree Resort in Orlando, Florida .
Passover begins Tuesday and the markets are closed on Good Friday, so trading volume is likely to be very light.
FORBES: The Week Ahead: Stocks to Rally Despite the Short Week
This was the point of Obama's Passover and Israel Independence Day messages.
No one would be left alone to find their way to an interesting conversation with another, any more than it would be expected of participants at a Passover meal or in the Eucharist that they might manage independently to alight on the salient aspects of the history of the tribes of Israel or achieve a sense of communion with God.
"It's the stuff I have to drink at Passover dinner at my mom's house, " said my friend Richard.
WSJ: The Not-So-Cloying Side of Kosher Wine | On Wine by Lettie Teague
Tamara Pester, a Denver lawyer, has created a game called Passover Bingo to play at the dinner table.
WSJ: What's Plaguing Passover Feasts? Some Say Rituals Need Spicing Up
Luxury Passover getaways are increasingly popular among the observant set, with a host of Jewish travel companies taking over resorts for the week to offer all-inclusive retreats with spa treatments, childcare, Glatt-Kosher meals and seders, natch in locales from Aruba to Tiberio, Italy.
George still reads Hebrew, but these days he typically celebrates Passover with his wife's side of the family.
The government has donated 11 tonnes of flour to the Jewish community this year to make unleavened bread for Passover.
Passover package offers similar elements as those of the Orlando option (see above) set in this sprawling, renovated Catskills resort, just 90 miles from NYC and featuring a 9-hole championship golf course, miles of hiking trails, indoor swimming pool, spa, movie room, private lake, cabaret theater and nearby options for horseback riding through nature trails.