Nor is gold the only commodity to have shot up over the past year.
In a mostly depressed Tokyo market, Orix stock has climbed 43% over the past year.
The good news is that 117 countries have increased their economic freedom in the past year.
"I've heard of three to four mobile developer clinics in just the past year, " says Fischer.
It is noteworthy that Mikhail Gorbachev has repeatedly trumpeted these Soviet proposals over the past year.
Both Microsoft and Intel terminated their relationships with my company in the past year or so.
Never again in this venue refers to the credit meltdown of the past year.
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Several cruise ship incidents have made headlines in the past year and a half.
Over the past year or so, opposition to new tar-sands projects has been steadily growing.
Over the past year, more money was poured into bond funds than equity funds.
Basildon's accident and emergency department has seen a 7% rise in patients over the past year.
BBC: Basildon Hospital's extra beds plan to 'relieve pressure'
That success has been steadily increasing Alibaba's estimated market value during the past year.
This is the region where, over the past year, goods-producing jobs have been growing fastest.
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Below, you will find an overview of the main events that marked the past year.
Tanzania has seen a rise in sectarian violence between Christians and Muslims in the past year.
BBC: Tanzania church attack: Saudis held for 'act of terror'
For the past year, average hourly earnings are up 1.7%, while prices are up about 2%.
In the past year, the stock has plummeted 67%, after reaching an all-time high last September.
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Monster's share price also has been weighed down over the past year by regulatory concerns.
Moreover, companies with increasing dividends have outperformed other large cap stocks over the past year.
We have debated this issue thoroughly, not just for the past year but for decades.
The past year has been a difficult one, where our beliefs have been tested.
In the past year, the number of camps has doubled from three to six.
It has been selling bits of the company through most of the past year.
The refining industry has had some strong trends working in its favor for the past year.
The Turnaround Letter returned 33.5% in the past year--20 percentage points higher than the Wilshire 5000.
Lowe's, the big hardware store chain, began developing a Teradata warehouse over the past year.
Gesner said his brother-in-law has has been living in Sun Valley, Idaho, the past year.
Estyn says inspectors noted shortcomings in 40% of secondary schools inspected in the past year.
The cost of anti-retroviral drugs have fallen in the past year but they remain relatively high.
Several accidents have happened in the past year involving Marine training in Southern California.