But Jones' lawyers have presented enough factual quarrels with Bennett's motion (such as the pay-raise issue) that Wright probably can't dismiss the suit.
The actual pay raise in 2012 has apparently not been calculated yet.
At this point, IT managers say, the return on investment is rapidly diminishing: Even a sizable bonus can't compete with the permanent pay raise a year-2000 worker can get by jumping ship at this late hour.
The legislation would also raise the pay of troops by 1.4% and allow the children of members of the military to stay covered under the military's health care until they are 26-years-old.
Secretary West, thank you for your work on behalf of our nation's veterans, and, to both of you, thank you for your support of the recent actions in Congress to raise the pay of our military personnel, to improve their quality of life, to improve the retirement systems of the veterans...
To do so, however, he will have to address it squarely, as candidate Reagan did twenty years ago -- namely, by promising not just to fiddle at the margins (a pay raise here, a reenlistment bonus there) but to restore the U.S. military to fighting trim by allocating to it, on a sustained basis, the sorts of resources that are clearly required to recapitalize as well as to maintain the force.
Wesbury did mention that if the government could not raise revenue to pay off the bonds, it could simply monetize the debt with few significant consequences.
How much would it cost to raise the pay of lower-paid workers to that amount?
Not only is it part of your civic duty, it may be the key to a pay raise.
He also promised to try to raise the pay of state employees five percent for three consecutive years.
The Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) is proposing to raise the co-pay to 20 percent, but there is still much debate about this.
But he also says they raise the nation's productivity, raise the earnings of lower skilled workers and pay more in taxes than they use in services.
As it appears that Indiana will fail to come through, the Petreikis family has been attempting to raise money to pay for the life or death surgery.
FORBES: Indiana Medicaid Denies Life-Saving Transplant To Baby
Of course, the politicians could also decide to raise taxes to pay for all the benefits that they promised would never be taken away from those in or nearing retirement.
Not raising the debt ceiling would restore the value of cash in the bank -as banks would have to raise the interest rates they pay savers.
Stuart Gillis, head of museums at Derby City Council, said his long term vision was for the tour to raise enough revenue to pay for a new gallery in the city.
They have benefited from the rush to issue gilts by Her Majesty's government as they seek to raise the finance to pay the bill for the bank bailout.
The government says its planned changes to pay will improve standards and raise the status of teaching.
Part of the solution involves tackling another longstanding failure: the government's inability to raise sufficient taxes to pay for the rudiments of a modern state.
In order to assess executive pay, one has to raise the quality of the discussion in order to consider pay vs. performance rather than just look at pay in a vacuum.
The United States President, working with Congress, will take the action necessary to ensure that we raise the debt ceiling, we pay our bills, bills that were rung up in the past and need to be paid.
The city had to cut public services, shed jobs, freeze pay, abandon capital projects and raise taxes to make sure it could pay back the federal loans.
He gave his girlfriend a pay raise and the bank staff called for him to leave.
That welcome pay raise for the workers has been catastrophic for the union bosses.
WSJ: Stephen Moore: The Most Important Non-Presidential Election of the Decade
Receiving pay increases that match or barely beat inflation is better than nothing, but there should be no pride in comparing a pay raise with the rate of inflation.
The cash they raise will be used to pay creditors and to invest in the grocery business, which, to judge by the Seiyu supermarket opposite the company's headquarters in Ikebukuro, badly needs a face-lift.
Plus, he believes the federal government will likely raise taxes in the future to help pay off the U.S.'s large national debt.
The Garden State has decided to take a bank loan instead of issuing bonds because the later would require more time to raise the necessary amount of cash to pay its bills.
And, as soon as the economy recovers, we must raise taxes above 12% to pay back the trust funds.
FORBES: No, The United States Will Not Go Into A Debt Crisis, Not Now, Not Ever