Aging population of U.S., is expected to increase the per capita consumption of drugs.
The per capita consumption of tissue varies from over 23 kilos in the US to as low as 0.48 kilos in Vietnam.
The low per capita consumption is despite the fact that the power sector has been growing at more than 7% every year.
What really matters is total world consumption, the sum of all local consumptions, which is the product of local population times the local per capita consumption rate.
The country's per capita beer consumption is the highest in Latin America, about 20 gallons a year.
Americans consume about fifty gallons of soda a year, more than four times the average per-capita consumption sixty years ago.
Wealth and Footprint size: The higher the income of a country, the greater was its demand for ecological resources and services (and the higher its per capita consumption).
Kerala tops the list in terms of per capita liquor consumption in the country.
By the early 1980s, per capita consumption of soft drinks eclipsed that of milk.
FORBES: How the Milk Industry Went Sour, and What Every Business Can Learn From It
"Where it's extremely cold it's not uncommon for people to drink all day long, " said Val Smith, president of International Wine and Spirits, which provided the data on per-capita alcohol consumption.
California has previously led the way nationally in curbing per capita electricity consumption, improvement in air quality and other measures of energy and environmental stewardship.
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For more than two decades, soda was the No. 1 drink in the U.S. with per capita consumption peaking in 1998 at 54 gallons a year, according industry tracker Beverage Digest.
Though Croatia came in only at No. 5 in terms of per capita consumption, the risky drinking pattern of its population, as well as high death rates from cirrhosis, put it at the top of our list.
The Dallas and Houston metropolitan areas are among the most oil-addicted with annual per capita oil consumption of 368 gallons and 323 gallons, respectively.
Per capita consumption of soda in the US, for example, has declined from around 54 gallons per year in 1998 to 44 gallons today.
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After all, coffee consumption per capita in the U.S. peaked in the early 1960s, and coffee itself is the ultimate commodity: Everyone can make it, and everyone sells it.
The long-term growth fundamentals for the global energy sector are strong as per capita energy consumption levels in developing and under-developed economies are significantly lower than those in developed economies.
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In terms of per-capita alcohol consumption alone, the Czech Republic came in first.
The broadest and most accurate measure of living standards is real per capita consumption.
Per capita consumption is at its lowest since 1987, the report said.
The estimated one billion people who live in developed countries have a relative per capita consumption rate of 32.
Per-capita consumption is not especially gross: volumes are only the eighth highest in Europe, according to the World Health Organisation.
C. industry group, has ranked the Bayou State as high as No. 5 among all states in per capita beer consumption.
As per capita fish consumption in China quintupled between 1983 and 2003, the fortunes of emerging Asia's fish industry--Pacific Andes foremost--have risen apace.
Per-capita consumption is expected to grow by 10% annually over the next five years.
Foreigners are going the other way, recognizing that aging shifts the world's largest per capita stock of individually owned assets toward better housing, more consumption and greater risk-appetite for investment opportunities.
India's annual coffee consumption of about 85 grams per capita is tiny compared with the 4.1 kilograms consumed in the U.S., according the International Coffee Organization, an intergovernmental group of coffee importing and exporting countries.