And it's taken a while for the Army's personnel system, the Army's officer corps to really understand how fundamental this shift is, that the key to success is no longer exclusively American combat units well trained and well led, but is now increasingly Iraqi Security Forces well trained and well led.
"Microsoft provided the technical and engineering muscle, but NYPD personnel were the architects of this new system, " Mayor Michael Bloomberg said at a Wednesday news conference.
The federal government's personnel system is a perfect first target.
So the surprise is the state's prison system, which has more than doubled its personnel over the past two decades, growing four times faster than the rest of state government to become its second-largest employer, with 17% of the total workforce.
In theory, a new personnel system, a flatter hierarchy and the elimination of duplication and overlap should increase federal productivity.
According to the report, support personnel working with an unidentified DOD system were able to alter system audit logs, which record all system activity and are a critical tool in identifying fraud and unauthorized access.
The dread was amplified when the director of the city's emergency management system said two EMS personnel and possibly three firefighters were killed.
Secretary Rumsfeld proposes to draw on this experience, the recommendations of numerous independent review panels and the insights he and others have garnered in the business sector, to devise a new National Security Personnel System.
The system suffers from "high turnover, inadequately trained personnel, bad data--you name it, " McLellan says.
Two senior administration officials said the president wants to avoid a system in which all security personnel and airport passenger screeners are civil servants.
I'm taking action in three basic areas: personnel, national security policy, and the process for making sure that the system works.
The bill allows school districts to require "mental health first aid" training for school personnel and creates a task force to examine the state's mental health system.
The prototype system is run by a set of computer codes, rather than plant personnel.
CNN: Today/Tomorrow - Helping nuclear plants keep their cool
Other U.S. government personnel, including those within the DoD, the Department of Energy's laboratory system, and in other government agencies can contribute.
For the past three years, the TSA has tested an electronic pilot identification screening system called CrewPASS, or Crew Personnel Advanced Screening System.
Renee Klosterman, acting multimedia services manager at Washington's DIS, said her state's commitment to video technology is proven by a special Interactive Technologies Division within DIS, a mature videoconferencing system and a satellite TV studio that has all the cameras, production equipment and personnel needed to produce broadcast-quality video.
City officials said there have been extra personnel on hand to help launch the new technology, and there were people to handle the paper system.
On Thursday, electoral commission head Kwadwo Afari-Gyan told the BBC that the biometric fingerprinting system had been extensively tested over two months and again earlier this week, when security personnel voted.
As an example, the Navy's newest communications satellite, the Mobile User Objective System, or MUOS, is intended to provide more-reliable links for special-operations personnel and other military users than current Navy-operated satellites.