The picture of these big companies facing short-term trouble should peak interest from value investors.
He said this was contrary to the picture of the economy being painted by official figures.
So the picture of inclusiveness, in the words of Montek Singh Ahluwalia, remains "mixed".
Cano, who turned 30 in October, has been the picture of durability so far.
Both January and February's figures were revised downwards, adding to the picture of a stalling US economy.
The plan would not fit with the picture of falling house prices and low demand, it added.
The cops read them carefully and compared the picture of the boy in the newspaper with me.
But as more information surfaces, the picture of what happened between Martin and Zimmerman becomes more complicated.
When the picture of the blob was laid over an image of the asymmetry, they coincided perfectly.
There are forecasters who reject the picture of a steady rise in the euro against the dollar.
The comments of the reader to that article complete the picture of what is going on in Iowa.
The number of part-time workers has also continued to fall, reinforcing the picture of a tight labour market.
The picture of the dead teenager was first published by Anandabazar Patrika, a leading Bangla-language newspaper in Kolkata.
ECONOMIST: India��s shoot-to-kill policy claims one more innocent
When she picked up her award, she beamed at the picture of herself holding the bowling ball so proudly.
In that moment, Katy is the picture of strength and grace and poise.
The release of the picture comes ahead of the 40th anniversary of the "Manson family" killings in August 1969.
When the picture of the blob was laid over an image of the asymmetry seen earlier, they coincided perfectly.
All the same, an ageing family man, looking forward to retirement, hardly fits the picture of a placard-waving radical.
Yet for this reviewer, British and female, the picture of lachrymose middle-aged manhood drawn by Ms Sheehy beggars belief.
"Meals are special times for people ... the picture of the food is a representation of that moment, " he said.
John was, after all, the picture of health and had just received a scholarship to Stanford University to play soccer.
FORBES: Guest Post: The Dark Side of EKG Screening in Athletes
Because where are you going to see the picture of that fabulous model or that fabulous celebrity on the cover.
Investigators moved quickly today, pursuing leads, making additional arrests and filling in the picture of what happened and who was involved.
Before I started getting up early, I ate my first meal around 2 PM (not exactly the picture of health either).
But he said the revisions were unlikely to alter the picture of what has happened to the economy in recent years.
It was about these rare and endangered animals that are tied into the bigger picture of the health of our planet.
The Guardian gives over its page three to the picture of a woman being hurriedly led away from Edgware Road station.
One of the most basic parts of that arrangement, though, is immediately obvious from the picture of spots in the pattern.
This is the book that gives the best picture of the kind of man he was: cultivated, warm, witty, idealistic and modest.
The picture of a mother working with her children round the kitchen table does not do justice to the idea, he says.