Back in the 1960s, Americans feared the "terrifying efficiency" of the centrally planned Soviet economy, to borrow a no-joke famous phrase from the British politician Richard Crossman.
Barclays Capital thinks the OBR overestimates spare capacity in the economy and that planned spending cuts will not be enough to eliminate the structural deficit.
Lee wants global investors to join Korean housewives in nurturing Korea's economy through the planned Buy Korea Fund International, which may soon list in New York.
Hungary has made the transition from a centrally planned to a market economy, with a per capita income nearly two-thirds that of the EU-25 average.
The same is true for economies: the more complex the economy the more difficult it is to be centrally planned.
Responding to Mr Clegg's speech, Friends of the Earth's senior economy campaigner Simon Bullock welcomed the news that ministers planned to introduce legislation to protect the bank.
BBC: Clegg: UK green bank 'to begin investing in April 2012'
The road China has taken from a centrally planned economy has been brave.
However, since you cannot always get tax rates high enough to meet your spending plans without also damaging the economy, you tax wealth through planned inflation.
In other words, this was public spending which was already planned, not an additional injection into the economy to replace the loss of demand from 2008 onwards.
The answer being a market economy, not a planned one.
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In addition to providing critical capital and helping underwrite both healthy and faltering SOEs, the listings provide legitimacy for China's centrally planned economy and create a global constituency with a vested interest in ensuring that these companies not only survive, but prosper.
In that sense, the government has "delayed some of the planned adjustment" - though, it must be said, only because the worsened state of the economy means the same amount of spending cuts and tax rises will not do as much to help the public finances in this parliament than they previously hoped.
In a micro version of the public investment projects planned by governments throughout the world, Tuxpan council intends to implement several schemes to stimulate the local economy.
Once a center of heavy industry under China's planned economy, Shenyang decayed and formed part of the country's rust belt in the 1990s.
This not only regulated activity in a tightly planned economy, but was also a vital link in the chain of social control.
The Foreign Affairs Select Committee said the planned 16% budget cuts should be reversed and were a "false economy".
Their planned austerity will have a correspondingly small effect on the euro-zone economy.
Yet one reason why the economy is expected to do well is a fiscal boost that was originally planned for last year.
They accept that the economy is worse than expected, and it will take longer to fix than planned.
The euro leaders will be faced with the option of a forced transfer of taxpayers' money to shore up the entire Greek economy with no surety, and no "local representatives" as currently planned.
In the spirit of openness now sweeping the country, officials acknowledge that the economy was in no shape, for instance, to prosper after Myanmar's planned entry into a single market among the ten-country Association of South-East Asian Nations in 2015.
And, if it is still a market (rather than a planned) economy, why would production continue if there were no viable consumers to purchase the output?
The report warned that the pace of fiscal tightening being planned for 2013-14 was faster than in 2012-13, and might be difficult for the economy to handle, if the recovery continued to be anaemic.
As markets digest the positive surprise provided by the ADP employment numbers, which showed that 217, 000 private sector jobs were added to the economy ahead of the all-important non-farm payroll report by the Labor Department on Friday, planned layoffs reached an 11-month high on February, with the number increasing for a second consecutive month, giving investors reasons to be concerned.