Like the Contract with America before it, the pledge may succeed in driving votes.
He is among the artists using the Pledge Music website to sell inventive experiences and merchandise.
And after making the pledge to appoint a Lincolnesque "team of rivals, " Obama nominated Sen.
'And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead.
By 2000, more than 60% of the nearly 1, 500 American newspapers had abided by the pledge.
The pledge to be bipartisan is being eclipsed by the desire to act quickly.
So far, nearly 1 million people have joined the cause and over 111, 000 signed the pledge.
Inside the arena, bluegrass music plays, and the crowd is led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
So far, only seven of the group's nearly 81 manufacturers have signed the pledge.
After a meeting with the group, Mr Brown said he would honour the pledge.
Is he signing the pledge to devote much of his wealth to charitable concerns?
And emerging from the Democratic Caucus yesterday, speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi made the pledge again.
The pledge has failed to assure electronic privacy activists that only legitimate uses would take place.
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The media giant finds possible accounting shenanigans the same day CEOs took the pledge.
Former Republican Senator Alan Simpson seems to agree, arguing against Norquist and the pledge.
FORBES: Members of Congress Appear Ready to Break With Anti-Tax Pledge As Norquist Doubles Down
And of course in the end the only pledge that really matters is the Pledge of Allegiance.
Afterwards, he was asked about how the pledge - not to campaign - would affect Florida's primary.
Ceredigion's Plaid Cymru AM made the pledge whilst addressing the Rural Affairs Sub-committee on 25 November 2010.
He recalled reciting the Pledge of Allegiance as a child, before he left school in the ninth grade.
At later appearances in the state, Obama told reporters he couldn't talk to them because of the pledge.
This implicit guarantee is slightly less airtight than the pledge on Treasurys, but the difference is probably academic.
That's the pledge of confidence the world was expecting from the officials--heavy on pledge, light on the detail.
Scotland's largest local authority made the pledge while setting out its budget proposals for the next two years.
The Pledge is an asset to politicians who honor it but a liability to those who violate it.
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When the pledge is fulfilled, the donation will be the biggest gift ever made to a public park.
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That puts many who signed the pledge in a bind, which might explain the current do nothing Congress.
FORBES: Members of Congress Appear Ready to Break With Anti-Tax Pledge As Norquist Doubles Down
But when it gets down to specifics, the pledge really turns to mush.
He welcomed the pledge by his Republican counterpart not to pursue "the nuclear option" if there are reasonable alternatives.
The pledge of aggressive buying has caused Japanese Government Bonds (JGB) to rally violently and flatten their yield curve.
Does he place his hand over his heart when he says the pledge?