It says it has found no link between the police action and Charlie's death.
The Environment Agency said the police action was a precautionary measure and they were "satisfied everything is OK".
The Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts, which organises the Istanbul Film Festival, condemned the police action against the "peaceful protest".
Some fans had been chanting anti-government slogans, suggesting that the police action was motivated by political as much as security considerations.
Brigadier Thulani Ngubane told the BBC's Newsday programme that the death had nothing to with the police action to disperse about 200 protesters near Rustenburg.
Does that mean changing the rules for the police action, I mean how, how would you put something like that, where you want the police to do something differently how do you get them to do that?
In return the PA police will take action against the militias above all, Hamas and the al-Aqsa Brigades.
One of the aims of the inquiry will be to "establish whether, where abuse was suspected, it was reported to the appropriate bodies including the States of Jersey Police and what action was taken by persons or entities including the police".
"This situation has been a concern for some time and I'm very pleased the police are taking action, " said Mr Williams.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | Mid | Police get tough with 'boy racers'
The police take no action against them, nor do the white farmers.
Reasons for that under-reporting include fear of reprisals, an inability of those injured to identify their attackers, and a lack of faith in the police to take action, he added.
Mrs Medhani said she awaited the outcome of the investigation and added "I believe Arsema's life could have been saved if the police had taken action when I approached them".
What went on in the officer's head is something that I can only guess but, based on over 30 years of experience in the doing, teaching and studying of the police profession, I would venture to say that race had nothing to do with the behavior displayed and that the sub-culture of police work dictated the action, more than any possible bias or prejudice.
And he accused David Cameron and Theresa May of "playing politics" with policing and trying to "take the credit for tough and correct action taken by the police while at the same time trying to pass the buck for any criticisms back to them".
BBC: Riots: Police defend handling of crisis after criticism
Family Division judge Mr Justice Hedley lifted a temporary injunction which had banned the trip, leaving it to the police to decide what action to take.
She added that the government was also talking to the police to see what action could be taken to "better identify" rogue dealers in advance of any changes to the law.
President Enrique Pena Nieto has promised that the Cassez case will not be repeated and urged the interior ministry and the attorney general's office to ensure that all police action takes place within the rule of law and respect for human rights.
What about the thing you mentioned in connection with today, a very interesting point you made that in fact in terms of the public taking action or helping, helping the police, that they are at the moment hindered from doing that by a fear that the person, the legitimate citizen could be arrested himself for using force to try and withstand a force?
The Bahia government says about one third of the 30, 000 state police officers are involved in the industrial action.
When some of the observers objected, the man was allowed to leave the station, with a police officer in the room taking no action, the footage showed.
The Colt. 38 Police Positive double-action revolver was manufactured in 1929, the same year as the infamous St.
Early the next morning, the bulldozer lumbered into action under the protection of busloads of police officers and state government officials.
Even though the attack was captured on a petrol-station video camera, the police were reluctant to take action.
It also points to police action against the website, which revealed a major corruption scandal in India.
It also aimed to challenge the police to take more effective action.