She was taken to the police station, where a lieutenant named James Sullivan interviewed her.
That evening, Amy was released from the police station, and Judy and Sam took her home.
The police station at the scene withstood the explosion, with a single, bullet-proof window blown in.
He said action was also being taken against two sub-inspectors deployed at the police station.
The police station will be built on land to the side of Green Street car park.
BBC: Work to start on Jersey's new police station at end of year
The suspect was put in a police van and driven to the police station.
He said the police station had been flooded and there were problems in the high street.
Mr Colwell was shot at a checkpoint just outside the police station in Church Street in Ballynahinch.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Call for inquiry on 'report leak'
As well as aid lorries, thousands have also targeted hospitals, schools, banks, hotels and the police station.
The man was ordered to appear at the police station on June 19, according to the police spokesperson.
McCormack volunteered to go to the police station for an interview, where he made admissions about the message.
Across the road from the police station, Kosovo Serbs lined up to sell their produce on the pavement.
All 11 policemen, including the officer in charge of the police station, were suspended hours after the crime.
Attracted by her shrieks, several villagers came running, but no-one had the courage to enter the police station.
Bystanders intervened and dragged one of the alleged attackers, Tapan Sen, down the street to the police station.
And they went back to the police station and rewrote the warrant to enable them to seize any equipment.
McCormack volunteered to go to the police station for an interview where he made admissions about the message posted.
While at the police station, Zimmerman requested some tissues, water and to go to the bathroom, but little else.
Her search ended at the police station, right in front of her house.
This time around, she and the other women were only held at the police station, not taken to jail.
Then on May 9, 1952, he abruptly entered the police station and announced that the Marienkirche murals were counterfeit.
FORBES: So You Think You Wouldn't Be Bamboozled By Lothar Malskat's Art Forgeries? [Book Excerpt #2]
They house the fire station, the police station and a security office.
James Curtis QC, prosecuting, told the jury Mr Alder's death had been captured on CCTV cameras at the police station.
Not knowing what else to do, the police decided to take everyone in the bar down to the police station.
Inspector Pinho said he was angry with one particular policewoman, who had "a history of problems" in the police station.
The police took her to the police station, where she was kept for three hours before being allowed to call Romanyuk.
FORBES: Russian Authorities' Shocking Nighttime Demolition of a Pentecostal Church in Moscow
The device, in a cylindrical container, was discovered in a car outside the police station by a farmer on Thursday morning.
Another, he admits, is that when one of his predecessors cracked down on smuggling, a mob burnt down the police station.
He said members of the public helped the police detain him and he arrived at the police station at about 2000 BST.
They admit the offence quickly to qualify for a ticket, which is the fastest way of getting out of the police station.