The poor child went through a lot for somebody his age for the past 48 hours.
Pollock was the child of poor drifters, but his elder brother, Charles, had a talent for calligraphy.
The World Development Report discusses the problems of child labour and poor families' limited access to financial markets on the same page, yet it fails to make a connection between the two.
The report found there was inaccurate recording of information, poor communication and lack of contact with the child's father.
The main explanation you offer is the low quality of education, but you overlook the relationship between child poverty and poor literacy.
The raising of issues like child labour and the widening gap between rich and poor may further embarrass the Indian Government.
Authorities took responsibility and custody of the child in view of his poor health conditions when he was admitted to a hospital.
But can the education of a child in a poor country be seen as a worthwhile investment for a citizen of a rich country?
CNN: Millions of children face Malala's fight for an education
Both say without No Child Left Behind the achievement of poor and minority kids would still be a low priority.
And some policies, such as a massive increase in state-funded child-care for the working poor, will raise costs while introducing new benefits traps.
One small step in the right direction would be to adopt a supplementary MDG commitment to halve by 2015 the gap between poor and rich when it comes child survival and school attendance.
But the shortage of child-friendly medicine is not confined to poor countries.
Indeed, they sometimes find themselves working together, for example when they pushed to make child-care tax credits available to the working poor.
Because of deficit budget cuts, states are either eliminating or tightening eligibility requirements for child care programs that used to serve the working poor.
In order for his statistical estimates to be valid, he has to assume that a poor couple which decides to have a child needs the same proportionate increase in spending to maintain its living standard as a rich couple.
Compassion International is a child-sponsorship program that reaches the poorest of the poor in an effort to break the cycle of poverty.
Boosting the incomes of poor men, and ensuring that single mothers receive more child support, would also help, by reducing their children's need for government aid.
The popular image of Medicaid: health care for a poor mother and her child.
FORBES: Medicaid, The Frail Elderly, And Federal Budget Cuts
Neither her birth in a poor neighbourhood of Nanterre nor the serious accident that befell her as a child.
UNESCO: House | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Which is a pretty poor showing for such a pillar of the community, such a poster child for responsible capitalism.
It also engendered safety and child labor laws, after reformers documented the lives of the poor in a way painters never could.
Studies have suggested that parents' judgement is poor regarding weight, with 75% underestimating the size of an overweight child and 50% failing to recognise that their child is obese.
During those years a raft of legislation governing everything from child labour, working conditions in factories, the treatment of the poor, to public health and sanitation was passed.
The reasons for premature birth are not properly understood, but some of the factors which may be involved - such as poor diet and lifestyle - may themselves impact independently upon the health of the child.
It's an area which the U.N. concedes is "lagging far behind" the millennium commitments, with 2.5 billion people (including one billion children) still exposed to poor sanitation and one child dying every 20 seconds as a consequence, the U.N. estimates.
The problem could be a result of poor parenting, said Dr. Elizabeth Roberts, a child and adolescent psychiatrist.
Given that limited access to quality ECE has negative effects on child development which, in turn, undermines child performance at primary and post-primary school, The Mother-Child Home Education Programme (MOCEP) was initiated in 2000 to empower poor families to provide early childhood literacy training to their children through a home-based intergenerational literacy training approach.
And it is tackling the long-term causes of child poverty through policies aimed at pre-school children in poor areas, and a new programme designed to cut teenage pregnancy.
According to the End Child Poverty campaign, six of the 20 local authority areas with the highest proportions of poor families are in, you've guessed it, London.